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1. <br />CharltabieVentums <br />o r Policies and Procedures <br />SHIP TO LOCATIONS <br />Projects are expected to select the appropriate 'ship to' address. Only a pre -established location can be <br />selected by requester. <br />PREPAID AND PARTIAL PAYMENT PURCHASE ORDERS <br />The use of pre -paid 'check -enclosed' purchase orders is discouraged and requires advance authorization <br />by CVOC. Such payments in advance, for receipt of goods places the project and CVOC at risk of loss if <br />these goods are not received as ordered, or in an unsatisfactory condition. However, occasionally a <br />vendor refuses to accept a CVOC Purchase Order without full or partial payment in advance. In order for <br />a pre -payment to be considered, purchase order must be accompanied by documentation explaining the <br />reason for pre -payment. The dollar amounts must be correct and include any handling or shipping <br />charges. Documentation verifying the prices, such as a quote from the vendor, price list, vendor order <br />form, or pro -forma invoice, must be provided. This documentation must also include evidence of the <br />vendor's demand for pre -payment. <br />INCORRECT OR DAMAGED SHIPMENTS <br />If a shipment is received with incorrect or damaged goods, the packing material, packing slip, and/or <br />shipping ticket should be saved. These may be needed if the items have to be returned or exchanged <br />with the vendor. Adhere to the following to ensure incorrect shipments are handled appropriately: The <br />project shall notify the vendor immediately in writing so that appropriate action may be taken such as <br />issuing credit or providing a replacement. If the order has to be shipped.back to the vendor, it should be <br />packed in the original cartons and the vendors process for return should be followed. The project <br />should also accurately record this activity (i.e. number of items received, number of items returned, <br />comments, etc.). <br />4_i1W <br />Credits may occur due to the receipt of defective merchandise, returned goods, discounts, or incorrect <br />invoice payments. Unlike invoices, the application of credits is not simply a matter of verifying the facts <br />on the memo and confirming that the subject goods or services have been rejected. Specific business <br />and accounting questions may need to be resolved with the vendor before the credit is applied. <br />Improperly applied credits are difficult to correct. If a project believes it is entitled to a credit from a <br />vendor or receives a credit memo that is deemed to be valid, the project should contact Accounts <br />Payable for assistance. All credit memos shall be sent to Accounts Payable for processing. <br />DIRECT BILLING, HOUSE ACCOUNTS, CREDIT CARDS <br />CVOC projects are not authorized to establish direct billing accounts, house accounts, or credit cards <br />with any vendor in the name of CVOC. Projects are not authorized to accept offers for credit cards, <br />charge accounts, or house accounts from vendors who increasingly send such advertisements to <br />projects. Only authorized CVOC personnel may negotiate/set up credit agreements with vendors. Such <br />requests should be routed to CVOC, who in limited instances will authorize projects to arrange direct <br />billing with a vendor. <br />4 <br />25B-196 <br />