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14. Follow -Up Services (3 pages max) <br />Due to COVID-19, OCCC is following the guidelines of the CDC. Please refer to attached OCCC <br />COVID-19 Policies and Procedures which are subject to change. <br />Each participant will be eligible for 12-months post exit follow up services, Follow up services <br />include but are not limited to: Leadership Development, Regular contact with participant's <br />employer addressing work related problems, work related peer support groups, tracking progress <br />of youth in employment and training, supportive service activities, assistance in securing better <br />paying jobs, career development and further education, and adult mentoring. Follow tip services <br />will be captured by Program Specialist at four time intervals: 90 days into follow up (1"quarter), <br />130 days into follow, up (2"" quarter), 270 days into follow Lip (3"t quarter) and 360 days into <br />follow up (4"' quarter). Employer names, job title, wages per hour and hours per week will be <br />tracked throughout all 4 quarters of follow up services by the Program Specialist Additional <br />comments regarding participant progress will be provided in the file workshect, and documented <br />in individual case notes. Case notes will be captured throughout participants time in the program, <br />as well as follow up services. Incentives, supportive services will be provided during follow up <br />services, Program Specialist will continue to maintain excellent rapport with each participant in <br />follow tip services, to continue to be Ethic to trackand maintain engagement in the program <br />through the 12 months of follow up services as well as, to update and complete their Individual <br />Service plan goals. Program. Specialist will mentor participants to continue each individual goal <br />attainment. Program Specialist will provided regularly scheduled follow up appointments with <br />the participant to monitor progess. As a workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act service <br />provider, the OCCC for nearly a decade, has successfully partnered with the Workforce <br />Investment Boards of Orange County, Anaheim and Santa Ana. We have developed <br />comprehensive metrics within individual case management to meet and exceed the strict <br />guidelines and expectations of these reentry contracts. We will use these same metrics and <br />internal reviews to conduct our project evaluation and provide measurable outcomes for this <br />project. Youth will continue to be stimulated to attend job retention workshops, career <br />advancement and training opportunities, guest speaker presentations, peer support groups, <br />individual follow up meetings on a monthly, if not more frequent, time period. If a participant <br />were to still need to obtain performance goals, Program Specialist will continue to provide <br />excellent customer services, maintain a working relationship, and continue to mentor and <br />motivate youth to exceed the goals set forth within the ISS. <br />25B-278 <br />