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ORANGE COUNTY <br />CONSERVATION CORPS <br />SUPPORT SERVICES PROCESSING <br />1. Program Specialist is responsible for: <br />a. Assessing and recording needed services on the ISP form. <br />b. Informing participant of support service policy and the required <br />documentation needed to justify services. <br />c. Referring participant to other supportive services offered outside of <br />OCCC's program. Describe the method for documenting need and <br />the absence of such services through non-WIOA resources. <br />d. Reviewing and approving most reasonable estimates. <br />e. Keeping a log of all supportive services received by each participant <br />with a running total value. <br />f. Filing copies of receipts for supportive services (when applicable) in <br />the participants' files. <br />g. Collecting and reviewing all invoices/statements for accuracy. <br />h. All value cards shall be tracked with a Master Log. <br />1. Participant is responsible for: <br />a. Obtaining services that are referred by Program Specialist but not <br />provided through OCCC. <br />b. Turn in appropriate documentation. If a participant fails to turn in <br />appropriate documentation, no supportive services will be provided. <br />c. Any lost/stolen/destroyed prepaid value cards requests need to be <br />submitted with an affidavit from the participant. <br />2. Program Manager is responsible for: <br />a. Reviewing all Supportive Service Receipts before submittal to the <br />finance department and ensures that no deduction is submitted for an <br />initial issuance to a grant funded participant. <br />b. Program Manager will appoint a custodian who will keep the value <br />cards in a secured storage place and keep a Master Log of all value <br />cards. <br />c. Program Manager will perform inventory of value cards at least on <br />quarterly basis and/or make corrective actions to ensure the policy is <br />followed. <br />3. Chief Executive Officer is responsible for (when necessary and <br />applicable): <br />a. Reviewing and approving invoices/statements for payment. <br />4. Fiscal Officer is responsible for: <br />a. Verifying the availability of funds and notifying the Program Specialist <br />and the Program Manager. <br />b. Processing payment and use approved contractor policies. <br />25B-286 <br />