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ROC <br />THERAPEUTIc ARTs <br />2215 N Broadway • Santa Ana, CA 92706. 714.547.5468 • Fax 714.564.9690 • <br />Program Year 2018-2019 <br />Ana Pulido <br />Good evening my name is Ana Pulido and I am a mother of 2 beautiful little girls. Before <br />joining the Youth Employment Program, I was a stay at home mom and I felt like I didn't have <br />many options in regards to my future because I didn't have anyone to take care of my daughters. <br />I heard about the Youth Employment Program and decided to join because it offered the <br />opportunity for me to return to school and it also helped me with childcare. As part of this <br />program, I am currently working on obtaining my Childcare Workers Certificate. I am actually <br />just one class away from being done. This program also helped me earn my CPR/First Aid <br />Certificate. Most importantly, the Youth Employment Program has encouraged me to want to <br />enroll back in to college. I plan on attending Santa Ana College next Fall 2020 where I hope to <br />begin my journey in obtaining my teaching credential. As part of the Childcare Worker <br />Certificate, I took a Child Development class at OCCTAC. This class taught me parenting skills <br />which I have applied when raising my daughters. <br />I recently applied to work with the Santa Ana Unified School District as an After School <br />Provider and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I get the job. I hope to ultimately gain more <br />experience working in a school setting. Currently, my long-term goal is to become an art teacher <br />in either an elementary or high school setting. <br />The Youth Employment Program is helping me achieve my goals by providing assistance <br />with my professional development. This includes building my resume and improving my <br />communication skills I thank nil the staff e'er net -my mentoring-me-but-also-helping me Ibecouic <br />a better person and most importantly, a better mother. <br />25B-52 <br />