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guidelines. Written authorization and sales receipt confirming payment mustbe kept on <br />file. <br />Service and items costing more than $500 (routine purchases): <br />a. A designated staffinember shall identify two or three vendors who offer discount <br />or competitively priced supplies. Staff shalI routinely " shop "those vendors, looking <br />for the best overall price on each order --though not necessarily on an item -by -item <br />basis. Once each year, the staff shall determine which two or three vendors in the area <br />offer the most competitive prices. Written documentation of the research shall be <br />maintained. <br />b. Nothing intheparagraph above shall prevent stafffromtaking advantage oflower <br />prices from other vendors whenever better prices are available. <br />c. Whenpossible, staffshall attemptto negotiate discounts forlargervolume <br />purchases, and should inquire about discounts for paying cash. <br />d. Allpurchasesmustbemadewithinbudgetguidelines. Writtenauthorizationand <br />sales receipt confirming payment must be kept on file. <br />Service and items costing more than $500 (infrequent purchases)• <br />a. A designated staff member shall obtain written quotes or advertisements from three <br />vendors. Purchase decisions shall be made on the basis of the most <br />advantageous purchase for OCCTAC, based on the above criteria. <br />b. Nothing inthe paragraph above shall prevent stafffrom taking advantage of <br />lower prices from other vendors whenever better prices are available. <br />c. Whenpossible, staffshall attempttonegotiate discounts forlargervolume <br />purchases, and should inquire about discounts for paying cash. <br />d. All purchases must be made within budget guidelines. Written authorization and <br />sales receipt confirming payment must be kept on file. <br />Sole Source Procurement <br />so <br />The use of sole supplier is discouraged, and requires the written authorization ofthe <br />Executive Director. Requests for sole source procurement must_inclu_dethe reason fort <br />lack of competitive information and justification for the selection. <br />C. Authorization <br />a. StaffAuthorization: The Executive Directory may atherorhis discretion, giveone <br />or more staff members purchase authority forpurchases. <br />EXHIBIT C <br />25B-71 <br />