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EXHIBIT D <br />BUDGET NARRATIVE <br />Organization: Orange County Children's Therapeutic Arts Center <br />Personnel $ 107,831.25 <br />Program Coordinator & Case Manager —.75 FTE for 47 weeks: (Benefits Included) <br />30 hours a week for 47 weeks @ $21.00 per hour <br />The Coordinator will work 30 hours a week for 47 weeks providing: recruitment & eligibility intake, <br />assessment, documentation & case notes; identify barriers and goals; monitor progress & goals; meet regularly <br />with individual WIA participants to train on employment and job skills; represent OCCTAC in provider network and <br />youth council meetings; organize and attend OCCTAC — WIA Staff Meetings and document input; organize relative <br />activities. Distribute WEX hours to youth and keep track of all paid hours and supportive service activities. Also, <br />the coordinator will provide assistance to youth during follow-ups, and complete any related documentation. <br />Job Developer/Case Manager—.88 FTE for 47 weeks (Benefits Included) <br />35 hours a week for 47 weeks @ $18.00 per hour <br />The Job developer is responsible for creatingjob opportunities for clients by researching, identifying and <br />soliciting commitments from possible sources of employment; and provide clients with soft skills and job search <br />training. Job developer will also locate employment opportunities that fit each individual youth depending on <br />barrier such as Disability, probation, or parenting youth. The Case manager portion of this position includes <br />providing documentation & case notes; identify barriers and goals; monitor progress & goals; meeting regularly <br />with individual WIA participants to train on employment and job skills; represent OCCTAC in provider network ad <br />youth council meetings; organize and attend OCCTAC- WIA Staff meetings and document input; organize related <br />activities, such as: workshops, mock interviews etc. <br />Career Counselor —.63 FTE for 43 weeks: (Benefits Included) <br />25 hours a week for 43 weeks @ $18.00 per hour: <br />The respective position will be responsible for providing educational and career training to all WIA <br />participants; mentoring and assisting with related work experience placement; observing and monitoring <br />participants with technical/artistic skills; documenting progress throughout the program; meeting regularly & <br />individually with WIA participants to train on related curriculum; and attending regular team meetings. <br />Technology and Art Instructor —.20 FTE for 32 weeks: (Benefits Included) <br />8 Hours a week for 32 weeks @25.00 per hour: <br />The respective position will be responsible for providing educational and career training to all WIA <br />participants as it relates to the technology field and the Arts; mentoring and assisting participants with related <br />work experience placements; observing and monitoring participants with technical skills; documenting progress <br />throughout the program; meatmg-regularIT&-individually-with-WIA-participantsio#fahvon-relatedc-urricuhtm, <br />and attending regular tem meetings. <br />Literacy/Instructor — .25 FTE for 31 weeks: (Benefits Included) <br />10 hours a week for 32 weeks @$17.00 <br />The respective position is responsible for assessing the literacy and basic skills of all WIA participants; <br />teaching WIA participants learning and literacy strategies; monitoring & documenting literacy progress <br />throughout the program; meeting regularly with WIA participants and attending regular team meeting. <br />25B-75 <br />