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A-2020-122 <br />May Fund payments be asedfor expenditures related to the administration of Fund payments by a <br />State, territorial, local, or Tribal government? <br />Yes, if the administrative expenses represent an increase over previously budgeted amounts and are <br />limited to what is necessary. For example, a State may expend Fund payments on necessary <br />administrative expenses incurred with respect to a new grant program established to disburse amounts <br />received from the Fund. <br />May recipients rise Fund payments to providc loans? <br />Yes, if the loans otherwise qualify as eligible expenditures under section 601(d) of the Social Security Act <br />as implemented by the Guidance. Any amounts repaid by the borrower before December 30, 2020, must <br />be either returned to Treasury upon receipt by the unit of government providing the loan or used for <br />another expense that qualifies as an eligible expenditure under section 601(d) of the Social Security Act. <br />Any amounts not repaid by the borrower until after December 30, 2020, must be returned to Treasury <br />upon receipt by the unit of government lending the funds. <br />May Funrl paynrernts be nisei fnr expenditures necessary to prepare fur• a future COVID-19 outbreak? <br />Fund payments may be used only for expenditures necessary to address the current COV1D-19 public <br />health emergency. For example, a State may spend Fund payments to create a reserve of personal <br />protective equipment or develop increased intensive care unit capacity to support regions in its <br />jurisdiction not yet affected, but likely to be impacted by the current COVID- 19 pandemic. <br />Questions Related to Administration of Fund Payments <br />Do governments have to return unspent funds to Treasury? <br />Yes. Section 601(f)(2) of the Social Security Act, as added by section 5001(a) of the CARES Act, <br />provides for recoupment by the Department of the Treasury of amounts received from the Fund that have <br />not been used in a manner consistent with section 601(d) of the Social Security Act. If a government has <br />not used funds it has received to cover costs that were incurred by December 30, 2020, as required by the <br />statute, those finds must be returned to the Department of the Treasury. <br />What records must be kept by governments receiving payment? <br />A government should keep records sufficient to demonstrate that the amount of Fund payments to the <br />government has been used in accordance with section 601(d) of the Social Security Act. <br />May recipients deposit Fund payments into interest hearing accounts? <br />Yes, provided that if recipients separately invest amounts received from the Fund, they must use the <br />interest earned or other proceeds of these investments only to cover expenditures incurred in accordance <br />with section 601(d) of the Social Security Act and the Guidance on eligible expenses, If a government <br />deposits Fund payments in a government's general account, it may use those funds to meet immediate <br />cash management needs provided that the full amount of the payment is used to cover necessary <br />expenditures. Fund payments are not subject to the Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990, as <br />amended. <br />May governments retain assets purchased Wth payments from the Fund? <br />Yes, if the purchase of the asset was consistent with the limitations on the eligible use of funds provided <br />by section 601(d) of the Social Security Act. <br />20A-27 <br />