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City of Santa Ana CDBG Scope of Work <br />Program Year 2020-2021 (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021) <br />Name of Organization YMCA of Orange County <br />Name of Funded Program Financial Assistance Program - Santa Ana Programs <br />Annual Accomplishment Goal <br />Unduplicated Participants anticipated to be served during the 12-month contract period. <br />700 TOTAL 100 Santa Ana Participants 1 100% 1 1201 Low Income Pa ticipants 100% <br />Schedule of Performance <br />Unduplicated <br />(estimated) <br />Quarter 1: JUL 1 - SEP 30 <br />Quarter 2: OCT 1 - DEC 31 <br />Quarter 3: JAN 1 - MAR 31 <br />Quarter 4: APR 1 - JUN 30 <br />Program and Funding Description <br />Estimated <br />Invoicing <br />$ 10,000.00 <br />$ <br />10,000.00 <br />$ <br />10,000.00 <br />$ <br />10,000.00 <br />$ <br />40,000.00 <br />YMCA of Orange County provides financial assistance to Orange County families that qualify as low income, <br />very low income, and extremely low income in accordance with the Department of Education Family Fee <br />Schedule and HUD standards. All participants wishing to receive financial assistance complete a YMCA <br />Financial Assistance Application which includes the most recent income tax return and/or documentation of <br />work for all family members. Once qualified, we give up to 100%scholarships for participants to enroll in our <br />Y programs in Santa Ana. This includes Health and Wellness Programs (youth and adult soccer leagues, <br />youth soccer club, league and classes, youth swim team, swim lessons (adults and children), drowning <br />prevention, and swim conditioning, dodgeball leagues, preschool sports (t-ball, soccer, swim) and other <br />fitness programs for youth at risk of developing unhealthy body composition) and the Before/After School <br />program at Loma Vista Elementary School in Santa Ana. The Santa Ana YMCA Sports and Aquatics branch center is <br />open seven days a week with soccer offered all days, preschool sports once a week, swim team multiple times a <br />week, and swim lessons and drowning prevention on Saturdays. Loma Vista After School programs are open <br />weekdays before and after school from 7 am — 6 pm (excluding hours kids are in class), we also offer tutoring twice <br />a week focusing on reading and math. We also offer full -day programming during summer, winter and other breaks. <br />The sports and aquatics programs are offered at our 2.5-acre sports and aquatics center (2100 W Alton Ave, Santa <br />Ana, CA 92704). Swim lessons and drowning prevention are offered in one of two pools and swim team is offered in <br />our competition pool. All soccer and other sports programs are offered in our speed soccer arena. Loma Vista After <br />School is offered in a portable building and in classrooms on the Loma Vista Elementary School site (13822 Prospect <br />Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92705), (Arroyo after school program 1112 Coronel Rd. Santa Ana, CA 92705), (Benson after <br />school program 12712 Elizabeth Way Tustin, CA 92780). The portable building is set up similarto a classroom and <br />we utilize the playground and open space areas surrounding it to do physical activities. Santa Ana families (low <br />income/Latino) - Sports and Aquatics serves all ages; Childcare serves youth ages 6-12. <br />Special Note: Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, sports and agautics programs will be limited due to social distancing <br />protocols, so the YMCA adjusted numbers served. A majority of the funds will be used towards after schools <br />programs that have a higher cost per participant. <br />L�7�Ir'-3ilr_1 <br />