Agreement. Should the CITY determine that the SUBRECIPIENT has not performed its obligations as
<br />stated in this contract in a satisfactory manner, or if the CITY determines that insufficient supporting
<br />information has been submitted, the CITY shall notify the SUBRECIPIENT in writing of its
<br />determination specifying in full detail the objections which it has to the SUBRECIPIENT's performance
<br />If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the SUBRECIPIENT after being
<br />notified by the CITY, within a reasonable period of time as stipulated in the written notification, contract
<br />suspension or termination procedures will be initiated.
<br />A. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with Executive Omer 11246 which requires that during the
<br />Performance of this Agreement, SUBRECIPIENT agrees not to discrinanate against any employee or
<br />applicant for employment because of race, religion, sex, color or national origin. Such action shall include,
<br />but not be limited to the following. employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, rates of pay or other forms
<br />of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to post in
<br />conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the
<br />SUBRECIPIENT setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause.
<br />B. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which indicates
<br />that no person shall, on the ground of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be
<br />denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program of activity receiving federal
<br />financial assistance.
<br />C. No Person shall, on the grounds of race, sex, creed, color, religion, marital status, national origin age, sexual orientation, or physical or mental handicap be excluded from participation in, be refused the
<br />benefits o� or otherwise be subject to discrimination in any activities, programs or employment supported by
<br />this Agreement. SUBRECIPIENT is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of age or with respect to an otherwise qualified handicapped person as provided for under Section 109 of the Housing and Community
<br />Development Act of 1974, as amended.
<br />D. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 which requires that
<br />during the performance of this Agreement, SUBRECIPIENT agrees not to discriminate against any employee
<br />or applicant for employment because of age. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the follo employment upgrading, demotion or transfer, ratewing
<br />s of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for
<br />brining, including apprenticeship. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to
<br />employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the SUBRECIPIENT setting forth the
<br />Provisions of this age discrimination clause.
<br />E. SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which requires that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States, shall, solely by reason h his or her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to
<br />discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance or under any program or
<br />activity conducted by any executive agency or by the United States Postal Service.
<br />Pursuant to the conflict of interest requirements set forth in 24 CFR 570.611 and 2 CFR 200.112,
<br />SUBRECIPIENT certifies that no member, officer, employee, agent or assignee of = having direct or
<br />indirect control of any CDBG monies granted to the CITY, inclusive of the subject CDBG FUNDS, shall serve as an officer of SUBRECIPIENT. Further, any conflict or potential conflict of interest of any officer hall
<br />SUBRECIPIENT shall be fully disclosed in writing prior to the execution of this Agreement and said writing
<br />