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Orange County Conservation Corps <br />Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board - The Youth Service Provider Network <br />Request for Proposal <br />PY 2020/2021 <br />ORANGE COUNTY CONSERVATION CORPS <br />BUDGET NARRATIVE <br />Administrative Staff — .02 FTE — $4,200 or 3.6% of budget <br />Administrative staff consists of a small percentage of the Chief Financial Officer to perform <br />various administrative functions including; general & financial management, payroll, accounts <br />payable and office coordination. <br />Administrative Staff Taxes and Benefits - $363 or 0.32% of budget <br />Taxes and benefits include state unemployment at 6.2% of first $7,000 earned, 7.65% FICA and <br />workers compensation. <br />Program Staff —1.18 FTE — $55,165 or 47.97% of budget <br />Program staff consists of 3 individuals of which I Program Specialist will be exclusively <br />dedicated to ensure the programmatic success of the grant which includes recruit, enroll youths <br />and overall case management. Other programs staff will be involved to provide overall support, <br />leadership, management, coordination, daily supervision, training engagement and mentorship of <br />enrolled youths. <br />WIOA Program Specialist — 76% FTE: fully responsible for the success of grant <br />Operations Manager— 2% FTE: projects management and acquisition <br />Crew Supervisor I — 40% FTE: project supervision and mentorship <br />Program Staff Taxes and Benefits — $11,301 or 9.83% of budget <br />These include taxes and fringe benefits associated with each staff and their corresponding <br />percentage of time spent on fulfilling all programmatic aspect of the grant. 6.2% for State <br />Unemployment Insurance for first $7,000 earned, 7.65% for FICA and an allocated % of <br />respective health benefits including retirement contribution cost for each associated staff. <br />Participant Wages, Taxes and Benefits — $34,870 or 30.32% of budget <br />Wages are paid directly to participants who earn a minimum of $13.00/$14.00 per hour and are <br />scheduled to work up to 29 hours per week while enrolled in our program. Taxes and workers <br />compensations are directly associated with participants wages and are paid by the Corps. 14 <br />participants @6.1 weeks with 29 hours per week average @$13 per hour and @$14 per hour <br />effective January 1, 2021, NOT including any additional leveraged wages by OCCC. Additional <br />costs include taxes and workers compensation. <br />Support Services — $6,300 or 5.48 % of budget <br />Supportive Services mainly include uniforms, bus passes and gas cards. Other supportive <br />service may include hotel voucher, car repair, tattoo removal, dress for success, material and <br />EXHIBIT D <br />