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L S A FAIRVIEW BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS <br />(9TH STREET TO 16TH STREET( PROJECT INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />SANTA ANAL CALIFORNIA MAY 2020 <br />historical occurrences within 3 mi of the BSA. However, all of these historical occurrences are <br />presumed extirpated, and no suitable habitat for these plant species occurs within the BSA. <br />Special -Status Animal Species.Animal species are considered to be of special concern based on the <br />following: (1) federal, State, or local laws regulating impacts to them; (2) limited distributions; <br />and/or (3) the habitat requirements of special -status animals occurring in the vicinity of the site. The <br />coastal California gnatcatcher is the only listed species identified by the USFWS as potentially <br />occurring within the vicinity of the BSA.' However, there are no known occurrences of this species <br />within the BSA or immediate vicinity, and suitable habitat for the species is absent from the BSA. <br />The CNDDB indicated six additional special -status wildlife species (coast horned lizard, Crotch <br />bumble bee, western yellow -billed cuckoo, California black rail, peregrine falcon, and western <br />mastiff bat) with historical occurrences within 3 miles of the BSA. However, most of these historical <br />occurrences are presumed extirpated and, with the exception of marginally suitable habitat for <br />western mastiff bat, suitable habitat for these wildlife species is absent from the BSA. <br />The BSA contains suitable habitat for two nonlisted, special -status avian species identified in the <br />CNDDB records search (Cooper's hawk and California horned lark). The existing Fairview Street <br />bridge also contains suitable roosting habitat for several common and nonlisted, special -status bat <br />species, and foraging habitat for these bat species is present within the BSA along the Santa Ana <br />River. Each of these species is discussed in further detail below. <br />3.4.2 Impact Analysis <br />a. Would the project have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat <br />modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special -status species in <br />local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game <br />or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? <br />Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. Potential impacts to special status species are <br />described below. <br />Special -Status Plant Species. Based on survey results, no special -status plant species were <br />observed or are expected to occur within the BSA due to a lack of suitable habitat. A list of plant <br />species observed in the BSA during the surveys is included in Appendix B of the NES. Therefore, <br />the proposed Project is not expected to affect any special -status plant species because they are <br />considered absent from the BSA. As such, no compensatory mitigation or minimization <br />measures are warranted because special -status plant species are considered absent from the <br />BSA. <br />Special -Status Animal Species. As indicated above, the BSA contains suitable habitat for two <br />nonlisted, special -status avian species identified in the CNDDB records search (the Cooper's <br />hawk and California horned lark). The existing Fairview Street bridge also contains suitable <br />roosting habitat for several common and nonlisted, special -status bat species, and foraging <br />D United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2018. Information, Planning, and Conservation System (IPoC) Trust <br />Resource Report. Website: (accessed February 2018). <br />3-20 7 5f54ND\Final ISMND\Fairview Street Bridge Final ISMND.d.C. (05/26/20) <br />