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L S A FAIRVIEW BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS <br />(9TH STREET TO 16TH STREET( PROJECT INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />SANTA ANAL CALIFORNIA MAY 2020 <br />The Project area is relatively flat and situated at an elevation of about 100 ft. In the natural regime, <br />the Project area is within the Santa Ana River flood plain, and the portion of the river through the <br />Project area is confined to a concrete -lined channel. <br />Exploratory boreholes, drilled in the years 2003 and 2004 in the Project area, show that the area i <br />underlain by nonindurated alluvial sediments ranging from clay to sand to gravel. The soils are <br />Holocene -age flood -plain sediments of the Santa Ana River. Generally, the soils within the Project <br />area consist of alternating, interbedded layers of sand with varying fines content, lean clay with <br />varying amounts of sand, and few silt layers. The deeper sand layers include trace to moderate <br />amounts of fine to coarse gravel. <br /> Paleontological Resources <br />Project plans, geologic maps of the Project area, and relevant geological and paleontological <br />literature were reviewed to determine which geologic units are present in the Project area and <br />whether fossils have been recovered in the Project area or from those or similar geologic units <br />elsewhere in the region. In addition, a search for known fossil localities was conducted through the <br />Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LRCM) to determine the status and extent of <br />previously recorded paleontological resources within and surrounding the Project area. Afield <br />survey of the Project area was also conducted to note the sediments at the surface; relocate any <br />known paleontological localities, if present; and identify any unrecorded paleontological resources <br />exposed on the surface of a Project area. <br />Results of the literature review indicate that the Project area is located at the northern end of the <br />Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province, a 900 mi long northwest -southeast -trending structural <br />block that extends from the Transverse Ranges in the north to the tip of Baja California in the south. <br />Within this larger region, the Project is located in the Los Angeles Basin, a broad alluvial lowland <br />bounded to the north and east by the San Gabriel and Santa Ana Mountains, respectively, and by <br />the Pacific Ocean to the southwest. <br />Geologic mapping by Morton and Miller shows that the Project area contains Very Young Wash <br />Deposits and Young Alluvial Fan Deposits. In addition, because the Project area has been previously <br />developed, some amount of Artificial Fill is likely present at the surface above the geologic unit <br />mapped by Morton and Miller. Ages for the geologic epochs and subdivisions are based on the <br />International Chronostratigraphic Chart prepared by the International Commission on Stratigraphy <br />and Walker et al. <br />Artificial Fill consists of sediments that have been removed from one location and transported to <br />another location by human activity, rather than by natural means. The transportation distance can <br />vary from a few feet to many miles, and composition is dependent on the source and purpose. <br />While Artificial Fill may contain fossils, these fossils have been removed from their original location <br />and are thus out of stratigraphic context. Therefore, they are not considered important for scientific <br />study. As such, Artificial Fill has no paleontological sensitivity. <br />The Very Young Wash Deposits are late Holocene in age (less than 4,200 years ago) and consist of <br />unconsolidated sand and gravel in active washes, channels on active alluvial fans, and ephemeral <br />3-38 7 584,2ND\Final ISMND\Fairview Street Bridge Final ISMND.doC. (05/26/20) <br />