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3. Acting jointly with Alberto Garcia Do Los Angeles or Joroni Gervilla, execute, amend and finalize <br />purchase orders for materials and equipment in connection with the purpose ofthe Company, <br />4. Acting jointly with Alberto Garcia De Los Angeles or Jeroni Gervilla, execute, amend and <br />terminate agreements for the lease of real estate to be used as offices or job related temporary <br />yards. <br />5. Acting jointly with Alberto Garcia Do Los Angeles or Jaroni Gervilla, execute, amend and <br />terminate insurance and/or bid bonds arrangements in connection with the purpose of the Company. <br />6. Acting jointly with Alberto Garcia De Los Angeles or Jeroni Gervilla, hire, suspend, impose <br />sanctions and dismiss the administrative personnel of the Company, setting forth their <br />employment terms and conditions, obligations and remuneration. <br />7. Acting jointly with Alberto Garcia De Los Angeles or Jeroni Gervilla, settle and claims on behalf <br />of the Company. <br />AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that all actions heretofore taken by the officers of the <br />Company on behalf of and In the name of the Company, relating to the conduct of the business of the <br />Company, the expenditure of money, the making of contracts and all other acts taken or omitted in the <br />performance of their duties to the Company be, and the same hereby are, in all respects, approved, ratified <br />and affirmed, as of the date taken, done or omitted, respectively. <br />The actions taken by the Board Consent shall have the same force and effect as if taken by the <br />undersigned at a meeting of the Board of Directors, duly called and constituted pursuant to the Bylaws of <br />the Company and the laws of the State of California. This Board Consent may be executed in <br />counterparts, each of which shall be deemed anoriginal, but all of which together shall constitute one and <br />the same document. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Directors <br />of Blecnor Belco Electric, Inc., have executed these actions by written consent as of the data Gist written <br />above. <br />Luis Metier, Director <br />Alexander Anode, Director <br />23A-12 <br />