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CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT <br />Civil Code § 1189 <br />A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the <br />document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfullness, accuracy or validity of that document. <br />♦♦t444ti444t44tt44t4t4t4t4t4t444tttt4tt44444t44tt44444t4tttt44t4tt♦ <br />State of W1{n1mt4, <br />County of <59111 AlPIJiLbI.D <br />On (�Lt4 22 t2o2e before me, t/t 1 Nam ow Notary Public <br />�— omn yy ,n' amaa me of eery <br />personally appeared 3bby1 r � � <br />� .or Name and or Names of aiawrfs1 <br />Who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence <br />to be the perso>(3f whose nampK isla <br />j4 subscribed <br />to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that <br />heltS0elt)4y xecuted the same in his! rltVeir authorized <br />capael es), and that by his4Wrl Ir signatureXan the <br />instrument the persogW, or the entity upon behalf of <br />which the person acted, executed the instrument. <br />I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of <br />the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true <br />and correct. <br />Witness my han <br />Signature <br />Notary PuM.a o.ftve <br />ELISA BETH LIM <br />Trr Commission No. 2281937 <br />1 + NOTARY PUaLIGCAU£olt"M <br />SMI BERNRRDINo c0k*4Tv <br />. c MY Comm. EgNto>: MMCX 21, xaQJ <br />OPTIONAL <br />Place Notary Publio Seal Above <br />Though the intormation below Is not required by taw, it may prove valuable to the persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal <br />and reattachment of this form to another document. <br />Description of Attached Document <br />Title or Type of Document <br />Document Date <br />Signer's Name: <br />❑ Individual <br />❑ Corporate Officer —Title(s): <br />❑ Partner- ❑Limited ❑General <br />❑ Guardian or Conservator TOP of IWMb <br />❑ Attorney -in -Fact <br />❑ Trustee <br />❑ Other: <br />Signer is representing <br />Number of Pages: <br />❑ Individual <br />❑ Corporate Officer— Title(s): <br />❑ Partner - ❑ Limited ❑ General <br />❑ Guardian or Conservator MIMI <br />xQamurw <br />❑ Attomey-in-Fact <br />❑ Trustee <br />❑ Other. <br />Signer is representing <br />♦♦ti44t4t444444t4tt44444444t4ttt4t4t44144tt4t4t44ttt4it44414t44444t <br />23A-18 <br />