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The Bowery Mixed -Use Project <br />CEQA Comment <br />May 11, 2020 <br />Page 15 <br />An.. agency's responses to comments must specifically explain the reasons for rejecting <br />suggestions received in comments and for proceeding with a project despite its environmental <br />impacts. Such explanations mustbe supported with specific references to empirical information, <br />scientific authority, and/or explanatory information. (Cleary v. County ofstawslaus (1981) 1 IS <br />Cal. App.3d 348, 35T) The responses, moreover, must manifest a good faith, reasoned analysis; <br />eonclusory statements unsupported by factual information will not suffice. (People v. County of <br />Kern (1974) 39 Cal.App.3d 830, 841.) <br />The responses to comments on a draft EIR must state reasons for rejecting suggestions <br />andobjections concerning significant environmental issues. City ofMaywood vLos Angeles <br />Unffied Sch. Dist. (2012) 208 CA4th 362, 391. Responses to comments must manifest a good <br />faith, reasoned analysis; conclusory statements unsupported by factual information will not <br />suffice. People v. County of Kern (1974) 39 Cal. App.3d 830, 841. The need for a reasoned, <br />factual response is particularly acute when critical comments have been made by other agencies <br />orexperis. Berkeley Keep.Iets Over the Bay Con?_ v_ BoardofPort Cmrs_,(200l)91 <br />Cal. App.4th 1344, 1367, 1371 ("Berkeley Jets") (conclusory responses to comments from <br />experts and other agencies that criticized data aid methodologies wed to assess impacts and that <br />were based on extensive supporting studies rendered EIR legally inadequate). "Where <br />comments from responsible experts or sister agencies disclose new or conflicting data or <br />opinions that cause concern that the agency may not have fully evaluated the project and its <br />alternatives, these comments may not simply be ignored. There must be good faith, reasoned <br />analysis in response_' Id_ at 1367 (F'dR inadequate due to failure to respond to expert evidence <br />on toxic air contaminants). <br />The City's responses to comments made by the Department of Toxic Substances Control <br />("DTSC") were cursory and inadequate. DTSC noted in its comments that the "EIR states that. <br />this Project is not located on or near by a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials <br />sites pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5," commonly referred to as the "Cortese <br />List" FEIR, 2-3. DTSC requested that the EIR be revised to state that the Project is in fact <br />listed on Geotracker and is located near several hazardous materials sites. Id. <br />In response to DTSC's comment, the FEIR states: <br />The State Water Resources Control Board GeoTracker site identities that previous <br />contamination on the site occurred from an underground storage tank (UST) occurred <br />onsile and that cleanup acid UST removal activities occurred onsite from 1986 through <br />2006. The cleanup and remediation activities resulted in a "Completed - Case Closed" <br />status as of August 13, 2010, as shown in the attached GeoTracker Listing forthe project <br />site. The Geofrackerinformation identifies only one other hazardous materials site <br />within t,ODO feet of the project site, which is a military UST site located in the former <br />Tustin Marine Corps Air Station. The GeoTracker information can be accessed at the <br />following link, <br />hnps:// report.asp?global_ id-T0605900440 <br />15 <br />75C-31 <br />