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Environmental fmpaet Report(EPU Solotions- 2020), repons iu Appendix I,'I'ablc 8-2, that <br />the exterior traffic noise levels will range from 68.6 to 73.2 dBA CNEL. <br />As a. result of the high outdoor noise levels,. the current project will require the need for <br />mechanical supply ofoutdoor air ventilation air to allow for a habitable interior environment <br />with closed windows and doors. Such a ventilation system would allow windows and doors <br />to be kept closed at the occupant's discretion to control exterior noise within building <br />interiors <br />- <br />PM2s Outdoor Concentrations Impact. An additional impact of the nearby motor vehicle <br />traffic associated with this project, are the outdoor concentrations of PM2s. According to <br />the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EPD7 Solutions. 2020), this Project is located in <br />South Coast Air Basin, which is a State and Federal non -attainment area for PM2.5. <br />An air quality analyses should to be conducted to determine the concentrations of PMzs in <br />the outdoor mid indoor air that people inhale each day. This air quality analyses needs to <br />consider the cumulative impacts of the project related emissions, existing and projected <br />future emissions from local PM2s sources (e.g. stationary sources, motor vehicles, and <br />airport traffic) upon the outdoor air concentrations at the project site. X the outdoor <br />concentrations are determined to exceed the California and National annual average PM2,5 <br />exceedence concentration of 12 µg/m2, or the National 24-hour average exceedence <br />concentration of 35 µg/ms, then the buildings need to have a mechanical supply of outdoor <br />air that has air filtration with Sufficient PM2s removal efficiency, such that the indoor <br />concentrations of outdoor PM25 particles is less than the California and National PM2.5 <br />annual and 24-hour standards - <br />It is my experience that based on the projected high traffic noise levels, the annual average <br />concentration of PM25 will exceed the California and National PM2.5 annual and 24-hour <br />standards and warrant installation of high efliuioncy air fillers (r-d_ MERV 13 or higher) in <br />all mechanically supplied outdoor air ventilation systems. <br />11 of 19 <br />23 <br />24 <br />75C-48 <br />