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Efl➢oiency Standards (California Energy Comuissiou, 2015) reyuiremerits of the greater of <br />15 efin/occupant or 0.15 cfm/ft' of floor area Following installation of the system conduct <br />testing and balancing to insure that required amount of outdoor air is entering each habitable <br />room and provide a written report documenting the outdoor airflow rates. Do not use <br />exhaust only mechanical outdoor air systems, use only balanced outdoor air supply and <br />exhaust systems or outdoor air supply only systems. Provide a manual for the occupants or <br />maintenance personnel, that describes the purpose of the mechanical outdoor air system and <br />the operation and maintenance requiremerns of the system. <br />PM25 Outdoor Air Concentration Mitigation_ Install air filtration with sufficient PM25 <br />removal efficiency (e.g. MERV 13 or higher) to filter the outdoor air entering the <br />mechanical outdoor air supply systems, such that the indoor concentrations of outdoor PM2,5 <br />particles are less than the California and National PM,,.s annual and 24-hour standards_ <br />Install the air filters in the system such that they are accessible for replacement by the <br />occupants or maintenance personnel Include in the mechanical outdoor air ventilation <br />system manual instructions on how to replace the au filters and the estimated frequency of <br />replacement. <br />References <br />AC 2525 Main LLC. 2019. Environmental Settlement Agreement with Laborers' <br />International Union of North America Local 652. <br />Asset Gas SC. Inc. 2019. Settlement Agreement and Release with Jose Mexican, <br />Alejandro Martinez, and Iaborers' International Union of North America Local 652 <br />BIFA, 2018. BIFMA Product Safety and Performance Standards and Guidelines, <br /> <br />California Air Resources Board. 2009. Airborne Toxic Control Measure to Reduce <br />Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products. California Environmental <br />13 of 19 <br />25 <br />75C-50 <br />