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but not limited to, commencement of any civil action, or administrative action to <br />abate the condition of a property as a public nuisance pursuant to sections 1-21 <br />through 1-21.9. <br />D. If an enforcement officer determines that the owner of abandoned property has <br />failed to maintain that property as obligated under California Civil Code Section <br />2929.3 and in accordance with this chapter, the city may impose a civil fine <br />against the owner of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day, or an <br />amount set by the city's miscellaneous fee schedule as amended from time to <br />time, for each day that the owner fails to maintain the property commencing on <br />the day following the expiration of the period to remedy the violation as set forth <br />in the notice provided pursuant to subsection E. <br />E. If the city chooses to impose a fine pursuant to subsection D., it shall give notice <br />of the alleged violation to the owner. The notice shall include a description of the <br />conditions that gave rise to the violation, and notice of the city's intent to assess <br />a civil fine if action to correct the violation is not commenced within a period of <br />not less than fourteen (14) days and completed within a period of not less than <br />thirty (30) days. The notice shall be mailed to the name and address provided in <br />the deed or other instrument for mailing future tax statements, or, if none, to the <br />return address provided on the deed or other instrument. <br />F. The city shall provide a period of not less than thirty (30) days for the legal owner <br />to remedy the violation prior to imposing a civil fine. Notwithstanding the <br />foregoing, the city may provide less than thirty (30) days' notice to remedy a <br />condition before imposing a civil fine if the entity determines that a specific <br />condition of the property threatens public health or safety and provided that notice <br />of that determination and time for compliance is given. <br />G. The city shall provide an owner who wishes to contest any fines imposed <br />pursuant to subsection D. a hearing and opportunity to be heard in accordance <br />with the procedures for administrative citations contained in chapter 1.14. <br />H. Payment of the administrative and civil penalties shall not excuse the failure to <br />correct the violation nor shall it bar further enforcement action. <br />Sec. 8-1991. -Appeals. <br />Any person aggrieved by any of the requirements of this division may appeal a <br />determination made hereunder in the manner specified with respect to appeals under section <br />1-21.8 through 1-21.9 or chapter 3. <br />Sec. 8-1992. - Joint and several liability. <br />The duties/obligations specified in this division shall be joint and several among and <br />between all trustees and beneficiaries and their respective agents. <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXXX <br />Page 14 of 16 <br />75A-19 <br />