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<br /> <br />Abel De La Cruz spoke in opposition to the public comment process and expressed <br />opposition to police funding. <br /> <br />Soledad spoke regarding Item 65D, expressed support in defunding the police and <br />reallocation of funds into community needs. <br /> <br />Emily Leard spoke regarding Item 65D, expressed opposition to police funding <br />and reallocation of funds into community needs. <br /> <br />Jonnathan Ryan Hernandez in opposition to Item 65D and expressed concern with <br />current system that displaces the community. <br /> <br />Mercedez spoke regarding Item 65D and expressed support of the Legal Defense Fund. <br /> <br />Sergio spoke regarding Item 65D and expressed support of increasing the Legal Defense <br />Fund. <br /> <br />Ana Gonzalez spoke on Item 65D, expressed support in defunding the police and in <br />investing in youth, education, homeless population, and family unity. <br /> <br />Lindsay spoke on Item 65D, expressed opposition to police raises and in support of police <br />reform. <br /> <br />Trina Nguyen spoke on Item 65D, expressed opposition to police funding and reallocation <br />of funds into education. <br /> <br />Anonymous speaker spoke on Item 65D, expressed support in defunding the police and <br />invest in education, housing, and community. <br /> <br />Anonymous speaker spoke on Item 65D, expressed opposition to police funding and lack <br />of community resources. <br /> <br />Jane Smith spoke on Item 65D and expressed support on defunding the police. <br /> <br />Steve Gallegos spoke on the comment process, expressed support on 55A, provided <br />feedback on 65A and 65C, and expressed concern with the imbalance in the city budget, <br />Item 65D. <br /> <br />Maria G. spoke on Item 65D, expressed opposition to police funding and in support of <br />reallocation of funds into youth programs. In addition, expressed support on term limits <br />on Item 65C. <br /> <br />Ceasar spoke on Item 65D, expressed opposition to the police budget and reallocation of <br />funds into education and youth. <br /> <br />DRAFT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 JULY 7, 2020 <br /> <br />