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UNITEHEREY! focal 11 <br />August 17, 2020 <br />Mayor Miguel Pulido and City Council Members <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />Re: OPPOSITION to Agenda Item 75B: AMENDMENTS to Housing Opportunity <br />Ordinance and Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures <br />Dear Mayor Miguel Pulido and City Councilmembers, <br />UNITE HERE Local 11 represents more than 5,000 hard working men and <br />women employed in hotels, restaurants, airports, and convention centers through <br />Orange County, many of whom live in the City of Santa Ana. In fact, most of our <br />members are currently out of work due to the current health care crisis. <br />Our letter of opposition to the proposed amendments to the Housing Opportunity <br />Ordinance and Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures is joined by <br />over 80 letters of opposition sent to the Planning Commission on Monday, August <br />3rd from Santa Ana residents and organizations that serve Santa Ana residents. <br />All those in opposition understand that as working families continue to face economic <br />uncertainty as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic it is crucial that the City <br />preserve its Housing Opportunity Ordinance (HOO) as a funding source for creating <br />new affordable housing. The creation of housing at all income levels is vital to our <br />recovery. Creating new affordable housing needs to continue to be a top housing <br />priority in Santa Ana. <br />The City of Santa Ana is a renter majority city and despite the City's progress towards <br />meeting its Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation for very low and <br />income housing there continues to be a great need for housing that is affordable to its <br />residents. The current pandemic has increased the economic and housing pressures on <br />low-income families in Santa Ana. As incomes are decreasing and jobs are being lost, <br />many low-income families are struggling to remain housed. This is especially true for <br />the majority of Santa Ana's low-income households that are suffering with the impacts <br />of housing cost and economic uncertainty. As an example, according to the City's <br />local data, 70 percent of Santa Ana renters are low and very low-income renters. <br />While the city has seen increased production of affordable housing there has been a <br />larger increase of above moderate housing with the city's 2,409 RHNA above <br />moderate allocation being exceeded by 2,677% per the City's RHNA progress reports <br />submitted to the state. With average rents of $2000 - $4000, none of these above <br />market rent units are affordable to most of Santa Ana's working families. <br />The need will be much greater as the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated needs that <br />