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Orozco, Norma <br />From:Nichole Reidt <> <br />Sent:Tuesday, August 18, 2020 3:02 PM <br />To:eComment <br />Subject:Ítem 22B <br />I am writing to address Item 22B. <br /> <br />I recently learned that the city council plans to purchase a military grade vehicle for $353,653 and I am <br />outraged! <br /> <br />In the midst of a pandemic when our citizens are literally fighting for their lives...I am appalled that this is even <br />being considered! How dare you??? The civil unrest in our community can easily be addressed by listening to <br />our people, hearing their VALID concerns and addressing them one step at a time. We do not need an armored <br />vehicle in our community. We are not at war! <br /> <br />Additionally, it is my understanding that this money is from a grant and can be used in other ways; emergency <br />communication systems, planning, training, exercise, preparing/recovering from a disaster (like COVID), <br />equipment for people with disabilities, support for infants/children, ETC ETC ETC. <br /> <br />I assure you, that if you choose to waste money on this frivolous expense...we WILL vote you out. <br /> <br />Defund the police. Reallocate that money and properly fund our community. <br /> <br />-Nichole Reidt <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />