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Orozco, Norma <br />From:Orbane <> <br />Sent:Tuesday, August 18, 2020 3:58 PM <br />To:eComment; Penaloza, David; Councilmember Vincent Sarmiento; Solorio, Jose; <br />Bacerra, Phil; Mendoza, Nelida; Villegas, Juan; Pulido, Miguel <br />Subject:August 18th, 2020 ITEM 22B <br />To the City Council, <br /> <br />I want to address item 22B on today's agenda for the purchase of $353,653 Gurkha Multi Purpose Vehicle. The <br />money comes from the UASI Grant from the Department of Homeland Security. It is meant to build and sustain <br />the capabilities necessary to: <br /> <br />-prevent acts of terrorism using the WHOLE COMMUNITY APPROACH <br />-protect against acts of terrorism using the WHOLE COMMUNITY APPROACH <br />-mitigate acts of terrorism using the WHOLE COMMUNITY APPROACH <br />-respond to acts of terrorism using the WHOLE COMMUNITY APPROACH <br />-RECOVER form acts of terrorism using the WHOLE COMMUNITY APPROACH <br /> <br />Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. <br />Grantees must demonstrate the dual-use quality for any activities implemented that are not explicitly focused on <br />terrorism preparedness. There are two national FOCUSES: <br /> <br />-emerging threats including cybersecurity <br />-projects that enable operation of critical business and government functions including those essential to <br />human health, safety, and/or economic security <br /> <br />Please refer to page 360 of the adopted city budget titled OES UASI to see the line item breakdown of this fund. <br />Please see that under Machinery & Equipment is a $0. This is a sharp contrast to the $172K that was recently spent <br />on five new Tahoes from this same account number #12514407- 66400. The rest was paid with funds from an <br />equitable sharing account in which police officers can seize assets and cash and can appropriate them without waiting <br />for an indictment or conviction. Return of property and cash is only available if the suspect can prove he obtained it <br />legally. <br />Chief Valentin wishes to use the UASI funds again to fund the purchase of this vehicle with the following reasoning: <br />This project is for the procurement of one compact armored vehicle, which will enable the Santa Ana Police <br />Department SWAT team to respond to Complex Coordinated Attacks, Active Shooter Events, Hazardous Materials <br />Tactical Operations ( HMTOC) and Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD) tactical situations within the Urban Area. It will <br />enhance accessibility and armored vehicle coverage in the region, AS WELL AS FULFILL A LARGE NEED FOR SUCH <br />VEHICLES IN THE EVENT OF CIVIL UNREST, mutual aid assistance and/ or multi -jurisdictional catastrophic <br />incidents. The vehicle also has fire mitigation capabilities enabling personnel to address burning property from a <br />protected environment. The fire mitigation capability is new to the Operational Area and is a capability currently not <br />possessed by the Santa Ana Police Department. <br />Some of the features of this truck include but are not limited to: <br />-stops artillery shell fragments <br />7 <br /> <br />