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CORRESPONDENCE- 75B_Received by Planning Commission
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
CORRESPONDENCE- 75B_Received by Planning Commission
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Last modified
8/17/2020 3:35:25 PM
Creation date
8/17/2020 3:24:58 PM
City Clerk
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1415 E 17TH STREET SUITE 1006, SANTA ANA, CA 92705 <br />WWW.RESILIENCEOC.ORO INFO@RESILIENCEOC.ORG 000 RESILIENCEOC <br />be out of reach in this current economic climate. Households that live in the 92701 zip code, the <br />city's most affordable zip code, must earn $35.68 an hour to afford two -bedroom housing. (National <br />Low Income Housing Coalition's "Out of Reach: The High Cost of Housing in 2020 " Report) The <br />proposed amendments further incentivize housing units with market rate rents and are not affordable <br />to the majority of the City's residents. The proposed amendments do not address the city's needs and <br />create further inequity for the city's residents with the greatest housing need. <br />For these reasons that we oppose the following amendments to the Housing Opportunity <br />Ordinance: <br />Sec. 41-1904. —Options to satisfy Inclusionary requirements <br />(c)(1) The proposed amendment reduces the in -lieu fee from $15 to $5 <br />The city must retain a $15 in -lieu fee and secure this funding source for much needed <br />affordable housing. The city risks losing state and federal housing matching funds by <br />lowering the in -lieu fee, at a time we face economic uncertainty as a result of the pandemic. <br />- (c)(2)(ii) The proposed amendments allow for Entitled Residential Projects to pay a <br />reduced fee of $10 per square foot as an incentive to obtain building permits during the <br />current economic climate. <br />Santa Ana residents are those that are most affected by the current economic climate. The <br />entitled projects in the pipeline would generate well over $30 million in in -lieu fees that is <br />needed urgently to create new affordable housing. Providing this incentive until April 20201 <br />may result in a loss of 3 3 % of the in -lieu fees expected to be collected, or over $10 million <br />dollars, that would be used to build much needed affordable housing in the city. <br />Sec. 41-1909. - Inclusionary Housing Fund <br />(a)(1)The proposed amendment allows for the use of inclusionary housing for `... <br />one-time programs for code enforcement, and quality of life, and general health and <br />safety activities' <br />The creation of new affordable housing for Santa Ana residents needs to continue to be a <br />priority to address the critical housing shortage for lower income working families. <br />Affordable housing monies should not be diverted to fund code enforcement and health and <br />public safety programs that are funded from the City's budget. The City should not deplete <br />the Inclusionary Housing Fund's limited funds for these programs. Such an amendment goes <br />against the purpose of the HOO. Since its inception the HOO has been clear in its language <br />and purpose in that it states "Monies deposited into the inclusionary housing fund must be <br />
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