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E-Comments System, <br />Chair McLoughlin and Planning Commissioners, <br />I write this message regarding the proposed amendments to the Santa Ana Housing <br />Opportunity Ordinance to express my full opposition to the proposed amendments, and <br />urge you to vote against them. <br />Creating new affordable housing needs to continue to be a top housing priority in Santa <br />Ana. The current pandemic has increased the economic and housing pressures on low- <br />income families in Santa Ana. Housing costs in Santa Ana have been out of reach and will <br />continue to be out of reach in this current economic climate. As incomes are decreasing <br />and jobs are being lost, many low income families are struggling to remain housed. <br />Now would be the absolute worst time possible to weaken the Housing Opportunity <br />Ordinance and deplete the city's affordable housing monies. The proposed amendments to <br />reduce the fee that developers must pay when they choose not to build affordable housing <br />and to use money for affordable housing for "safety activities" go against the purpose and <br />intent of the Housing Opportunity Ordinance. Money for necessities like affordable housing <br />should not be diverted to fund public safety programs as residents have demanded <br />decreases in public safety spending and increased investment in affordable housing. <br />And although we don't know how much longer current shelter in place order will remain in <br />effect, I know for certain that the economic impact our families experienced will be felt for <br />months and years to come. Santa Ana residents, not Developers, need economic relief. <br />I urge you to vote against the proposed amendments to the Housing Opportunity <br />Ordinance. <br />Tany Navarro <br />tinytanya7& <br />1345 s Broadway <br />Santa Ana, California 92707 <br />