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Letter to the Planning Commission <br />RE: Opposition —Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 2020-03. <br />August 3, 2020 <br />the City of Santa Ana does not contribute to gentriFication and deny £air housing <br />opportunities to low-income communities or nonpro£ts, such as Community Land <br />Trusts, from having the opportunity to purchase {or sale units.9 <br />4. If the Planning Commission proposes to delay the date of tlae HOO, amend that delay <br />date to January 2021, given the devastating impacts of the Coronavirus on everyone, and <br />in particular, those who aze in lower -income economic brackets of the City of Santa <br />Ana. Because of the sudden economic loss due to Coronavirvs, the estimates are that <br />approximately 43M Americans are at risk of eviction.1O In California, an unprecedented <br />number of renters in California, many of whom are people of Black and Latinx descent <br />have expressed an extremely small to no confidence in their ability to pay rent to their <br />landlords during this pandemic.11 Given these stunning statistics, the City of Santa Ana <br />should continue to lead with a strong inclusionary ordinance and restart the HOO as <br />soon as possible, in the event t11at the Planning Comrxrission recommends to the City <br />Council to delay the HOO. <br />Sincere�l}'yj, � <br />1 '— <br />Ugochi Anaebere-Nicholson <br />Directing Attorney, Affordable Housing and Homelessness Prevention Unit <br />Se¢ Gov. Code 8899.50 (AB 686), Smte AFFH; s¢¢ ofso HCD's Finel 2020 AI <br />reaearch/plans-reports/index.shtml#aith <br />° 3 million Am uns ar rrsk jeviction as r¢[iefprogramr and moratorium pir •`ICs a nightmare" <br />httpa://www, (last visited on Ju3y 31, 2020). <br />There Cnf j rnians m¢ espcc£a[[y worried about paying rent during coronavirus. !s h¢fp comingT <br />https://wwwsacbee.coMnews/politics-governmenVcapitol-aleNartic1e24456852'].html (last visited July 31, 2020). <br />60t Civic Center Drive W¢at - $anG Ana, CA 92p01-4002 � (J14) 541-1010 -Fax (7141 541-5157 <br />