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The Warner Redhill Mixed -Use Project CEQA Findings of Fact <br />Based on the existing amount of park and recreation facilities in the vicinity of the Project site, the <br />recreation facilities that would be provided as part of the Project, and the number of residents all <br />full capacity of the proposed Project, the Project is not anticipated to increase the use of existing <br />parks and recreation facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would <br />occur or be accelerated. <br />In addition, as listed Park and Recreation Regulatory Setting Section, the Santa Ana Municipal <br />Code, Section 35-108 requires that residential development fees be paid for the acquisition, <br />construction, and renovation of park and recreation facilities. Also, Sections 35-108 and 35-11 1 <br />requires that any person adding residential units shall pay the park and recreation fees prior to <br />the issuance of a building permit. The Municipal Code describes that park and recreation fees are <br />for the purpose of preserving an appropriate balance between the demand by residents for use <br />of park and recreational facilities and the availability of such park and recreational facilities. <br />Thus, by payment of the required park fees, the Project would provide funding to offset any <br />increased usage at other park and recreation facilities within Santa Ana. <br />In addition, use of sports fields is largely by sports leagues that pay fees to the City for use of <br />the facilities, which is used to fund maintenance and improvements related to use of the facilities. <br />Any additional residents that are involved in sports leagues would provide this funding to reduce <br />impacts. Overall, the proposed Project would not result in substantial physical deterioration of <br />park and recreation facilities, and impacts would be less than significant. <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not include recreational facilities or require the construction or <br />expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the <br />environment (Draft EIR at p. 5.13-7). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The project includes recreational facilities. The impacts of <br />development of the recreational amenities are considered part of the impacts of the proposed <br />Project as a whole and are analyzed throughout the various sections of the EIR. For example, <br />activities such as excavation, grading, and construction as required for the park and recreational <br />components of this Project are analyzed in the Draft EIR Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, <br />Noise, and Transportation Sections. <br />In addition, while the Project would contribute park development fees pursuant to Municipal Code <br />Sections 35-108, 35-1 10, and 35-111 to be used towards the future expansion or maintenance <br />parks and recreational facilities, these fees are standard with every residential development, and <br />the proposed Project would not require the construction or expansion of other recreational <br />facilities that might have an adverse physical effect on the environment. As a result, impacts would <br />be less than significant. <br />M. Transportation <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not conflict or be inconsistent with CEQA Guidelines § <br />15064.3, subdivision (b) (Final EIR 5.14, Transportation, at p. 5.14-31). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: As described in the Final EIR, a direct Project impact would occur if <br />the Project generates a VMT/SP above 15 percent below the Countywide Average. The Project <br />related VMT/SP is 5.14 and the Countywide Average VMT/SP is 14.71. Thus, the VMT/SP of the <br />Project is 35 percent of the Countywide Average VMT/SP; and the Project would not generate <br />City of Santa Ana 35 <br />May 2020 <br />