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The Warner Redhill Mixed -Use Project CEQA Findings of Fact <br />employees could easily travel to employment opportunities within the vicinity of the Project site, including <br />areas within the Cities of Santa Ana, Tustin, and Irvine. Thus, the proposed Project would support AQMP <br />objectives to reduce trips, promote infill/redevelopment, and balance jobs and housing, and would not <br />conflict with implementation of the AQMP. <br />In addition, implementing redevelopment of the site, the Project would utilize existing infrastructure such as <br />roadways, drainage, sewer and other infrastructure, and would be consistent with the SCAG objective to <br />"Encourage patterns of urban development and land use that reduce costs in infrastructure construction and <br />make better use of existing facilities." As a result, the proposed Project would comply with Consistency <br />Criterion No. 1 listed above in the Methodology Section. <br />Regarding Consistency Criterion No. 2, which evaluates the potential of the proposed Project to <br />increase the frequency or severity of existing air quality violations; an impact would occur if the <br />long-term emissions associated with the proposed Project would exceed SCAQMD's regional <br />significance thresholds for operation -phase emissions. As detailed below in Impact AQ-2, <br />operation of the proposed Project would exceed the threshold of significance for emissions of <br />VOCs and there are no feasible mitigation measures that would reduce VOC emissions to below <br />the SCAQMD threshold. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in an impact related to <br />Consistency Criterion No. 2. As a result, impacts related to consistency with the AQMP would be <br />significant and unavoidable. <br />Impact Finding: Operation of the Project would result in a cumulatively considerable net increase <br />of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non -attainment under an applicable <br />federal or state ambient air quality standard (Draft EIR at p. 5.2-16). <br />Fads in Support of Findings: Implementation of the Project would result in long-term emissions of <br />criteria air pollutants from area sources generated by the proposed commercial and residential <br />uses, such as vehicular emissions, natural gas consumption, landscaping, applications of <br />architectural coatings, and use of consumer products. The emissions from the proposed Project are <br />primarily from vehicle trips. As described in Section 5.14, Transportation, the proposed Project is <br />anticipated to generate 11,546 daily trips, with 534 a.m. peak hour trips and 604 p.m. peak <br />hour trips. The operational emissions from the Project are provided in the Draft EIR Table 5.2-8, on <br />page 5.2-17, which shows that emissions from operation of the proposed Project would exceed <br />the threshold of significance for VOCs. The majority of VOC emissions would be derived from <br />consumer products and mobile activity. Consumer products include cleaning supplies, kitchen <br />aerosols, cosmetics and toiletries, the use of which cannot be controlled by the City. Likewise, <br />vehicular emissions cannot be controlled by either the Project applicant or the City. There are no <br />feasible mitigation measures that would reduce VOC emissions to below the SCAQMD threshold. <br />Therefore, operational emissions of the Project would be significant and unavoidable. <br />Q. Greenhouse Gases <br />Impact Finding: The Project would generate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, either directly or <br />indirectly, that would have a significant impact on the environment (Draft EIR at p. 5.6-10). <br />Fads in Support of Findings: The proposed Project would generate GHG emissions from vehicle <br />trips, electricity and natural gas consumption, water and wastewater transport (the energy used <br />to pump water), and solid waste generation. GHG emissions from electricity consumed by the <br />City of Santa Ana <br />May 2020 <br />