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The Warner Redhill Mixed -Use Project CEQA Findings of Fact <br />materially reduce the vehicular -source GHG emissions. Thus, the Project would result in an <br />exceedance of the CAP's emissions target and impacts would be significant and unavoidable. <br />R. Transportation <br />Impact Finding: The Project would conflict with a program, plan, ordinance, or policy addressing <br />the circulation system, including transit, roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities (Draft EIR at p. <br />5.14-10). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: <br />In the Year 2040 plus Project traffic conditions the Project would result in a significant cumulative <br />impact at the following three intersections, as detailed in Final EIR Transportation Section Table <br />5.14-10: <br />• Grand Avenue/Warner Avenue (#A) in the p.m. peak hour <br />• Red Hill Avenue/Barranca Parkway (#30) in the p.m. peak hour <br />• Red Hill Avenue/Alton Parkway (#32) in the p.m. peak hour <br />Improvements for impacted intersections have been identified, which would reduce the impacts to a <br />less than significant level. However, improvements at the intersections of Red Hill Avenue/ Barranca <br />Parkway (#30) and Red Hill Avenue/Alton Parkway (#32) cannot be guaranteed because they require <br />approval and/or implementation by the City of Tustin or the City of Irvine. In addition, the improvement at <br />the Grand Avenue/Warner Avenue (#4) is required as a result of a is a cumulative impact, as the <br />intersection operates with unsatisfactory LOS in the baseline 2040 condition. The Project would be <br />responsible for a fair share of the improvement; however, there is no currently planned improvement at the <br />location, and it is unknown if the Grand Avenue/Warner Avenue improvement would be implemented by <br />2040. Therefore, implementation of the Project would result in a significant and unavoidable impact under <br />the Year 2040 Plus Project condition at these three intersections. <br />City of Santa Ana 53 <br />May 2020 <br />