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EXHIBIT 7 <br />We invite you to a Virtual Informational Meeting for the Bewley St. Condos- 1122 N. Bewley St. <br />Han sido invitados a una junta informativa virtual para los Bewley St. Condos-1122 N. Bewley St. <br />Ch6ng toi mdi qui vi tham du' cuoc hop thong tin ao cho Khu nha pho mdi 1122 N. Bewley St. Santa Ana. <br />Tuesday, July 28th <br />Martes, 28 de Julio <br />5:30 to 6:30 PM <br />Zoom Meeting Hosted by <br />YNG Architects <br />Meeting ID: 856 5123 3329 <br />Passcode:815825 <br />By phone- Dial <br />+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) <br />+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) <br />Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App (online) <br />https://us02web.zoom. us/m/85651233329?Pwd=VXZCdG VBe DJ nb Vl2a m FmQO9tTI RX UT09 <br />One tap mobile <br />+16699006833„85651233329#...... 0#„815825# US (San Jose) <br />+13462487799„85651233329#...... 0#„815825# US (Houston) <br />1122 N. Bewley St. is a new multi -family residential development in Santa Ana. The planned development will <br />have 4 new buildings, comprising of 2- story attached townhomes, for a total of 10 homes. Each townhouse <br />will have an attached 2-car garage. Additionally there will be 20 onsite parking spaces for guests. <br />1122 N. Bewley St. es un nuevo desarrollo residencial multifamiliar en Santa Ana. El desarrollo previsto tendra <br />4 edificios nuevos que van a constar de casas adosadas unidas de 2 niveles, para un total de 10 hogares. Coda <br />casa adosada tendra un garaje para dos carros unidos al primero piso y 20 espacios para visitas en el sitio. <br />1122 N. Bewley la mot khu da"n cu' mdi clu'dc phat trien d Santa Ana. Du' an phat trien se cd 4 toa <br />nha mdi, bao gom nha pho 2 tang, vdi tong so 10 can nha. Moi nha pho se cd 2 xe garage. Ngoai ra, <br />se cd them 20 cho da"u xe danh cho khach. <br />We are hosting an informational meeting to share the project with our neighborhood residents. The Owner, <br />Architect, and City Planner will be available to answer questions. Spanish and Vietnamese speakers available. <br />Estaremos presentando una junta informativa para compartir el proyecto con nuestro residentes del <br />vecindario. El dueho, arquitecto, y planificador de la ciudad estarcin disponibles para contestar sus preguntas. <br />Tambien tendremos un traductor en Espahol y Viatnamita <br />Ch6ng toi clang to chirc mot cuoc hop thong tin de"' chia se du' an vdi cac cu' da"n gan khu pho c6a <br />ch6ng toi. Chu dau tu', Kien tr6c su'va City Planner se san sang tra Idi cac cau hdi c6a qui vi. Ch6ng <br />toi c"ung se cd mot ngu'di ndi tieng Tay Ban Nha c"ung nhu'tieng Viet. <br />We look fo7SA Ae1r®g with you! <br />Addkional project infoimabon can be found at: hitps://w,santa-ana,org/pNplanningdiision/major-planning-pmjects.nd-monthly-developmenbpmject-reports/6 ley -street <br />