townhomes, mixed/multiuse housing, transit oriented housing,
<br />multi -generational housing and live work opportunities. The project
<br />will provide a for -sale condominium product with units that range in
<br />bedrooms and size.
<br />Section 4. The GPA will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and
<br />welfare in that the GPA will not result in incompatible land uses on adjacent properties,
<br />inconsistencies with any General Plan goals or policies, or adverse impacts to the
<br />environment.
<br />Section 5. The City Council of the City of Santa Ana after conducting the
<br />public hearing hereby approves GPA No. 2020-03. The amendments to the Land Use
<br />Element are attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference as
<br />though fully set forth herein. This decision is based upon the evidence submitted at the
<br />above said hearing, which includes, but is not limited to: the Request for Planning
<br />Commission Action dated July 13, 2020, the Request for Council Action dated
<br />September 1, 2020, and exhibits attached hereto; and the public testimony, written and
<br />oral, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference.
<br />Section 6. The City Council approves GPA No. 2020-03 as set forth in Exhibit
<br />A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, subject to compliance with the
<br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and upon satisfaction of the conditions
<br />set forth below:
<br />A. Subject to compliance with the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
<br />Program, the Land Use Element map and text shall be amended to read
<br />as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by
<br />reference.
<br />B. The General Plan Amendment shall not take effect unless and until
<br />Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and
<br />Reporting Program (MMRP), Environmental Review No. 2017-161 are
<br />adopted by the City Council.
<br />Section 7. The Applicant shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold the City
<br />and/or any of its officials, officers, employees, agents, departments, agencies,
<br />authorized volunteers, and instrumentalities thereof, harmless from any and all claims,
<br />demands, lawsuits, writs of mandamus, referendum, and other proceedings (whether
<br />legal, equitable, declaratory, administrative or adjudicatory in nature), and alternative
<br />dispute resolution procedures (including, but not limited to arbitrations, mediations, and
<br />such other procedures), judgments, orders, and decisions (collectively "Actions"),
<br />brought against the City and/or any of its officials, officers, employees, agents,
<br />departments, agencies, and instrumentalities thereof, that challenge, attack, or seek to
<br />modify, set aside, void, or annul, any action of, or any permit or approval issued by the
<br />City and/or any of its officials, officers, employees, agents, departments, agencies, and
<br />instrumentalities thereof (including actions approved by the voters of the City) for or
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