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City Council (2004 - Present)
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9/10/2020 4:24:03 PM
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9/10/2020 4:21:05 PM
City Clerk
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B. Annual Budget <br />The total five (5) year improvement and service plan budget is projected at approximately $2,400,000 <br />annually, or $12,000,000 through 2025. This amount may fluctuate as sales and revenue increase at <br />assessed businesses, but is not expected to change significantly over the term. <br />C. California Constitutional Compliance <br />The SATMD assessment is not a property -based assessment subject to the requirements of <br />Proposition 218. Courts have found Proposition 218 limited the term `assessments' to levies on real <br />property.' Rather, the SATMD assessment is a business -based assessment, and is subject to <br />Proposition 26. Pursuant to Proposition 26 all levies are a tax unless they fit one of seven exceptions. <br />Two of these exceptions apply to the SATMD, a "specific benefit' and a "specific government <br />service." Both require that the costs of benefits or services do not exceed the reasonable costs to the <br />City of conferring the benefits or providing the services. <br />1. Specific Benefit <br />Proposition 26 requires that assessment funds be expended on, "a specific benefit conferred or <br />privilege granted directly to the payor that is not provided to those not charged, and which does not <br />exceed the reasonable costs to the local government of conferring the benefit or granting the <br />privilege." z The services in this Plan are designed to provide targeted benefits directly to assessed <br />businesses, and are intended only to provide benefits and services directly to those businesses paying <br />the assessment. These services are tailored not to serve the general public, businesses in general, or <br />parcels of land, but rather to serve the specific businesses within the SATMD. The activities described <br />in this Plan are specifically targeted to increase room night sales for assessed lodging businesses within <br />the boundaries of the SATMD, and are narrowly tailored. SATMD funds will be used exclusively to <br />provide the specific benefit of increased room night sales directly to the assessees. Assessment funds <br />shall not be used to feature non -assessed lodging businesses in SATMD programs, or to directly <br />generate sales for non -assessed businesses. The activities paid for from assessment revenues are <br />business services constituting and providing specific benefits to the assessed businesses. <br />The assessment imposed by this SATMD is for a specific benefit conferred directly to the payors that <br />is not provided to those not charged. The specific benefit conferred directly to the payors is an <br />increase in room night sales. The specific benefit of an increase in room night sales for assessed <br />lodging businesses will be provided only to lodging businesses paying the district assessment, with <br />marketing and sales programs promoting lodging businesses paying the SATMD assessment. The <br />marketing and sales programs will be designed to increase room night sales at each assessed lodging <br />businesses. Because they are necessary to provide the marketing and sales programs that specifically <br />benefit the assessed lodging businesses, the administration and contingency services also provide the <br />specific benefit of increased room night sales to the assessed lodging businesses. <br />Although the SATMD, in providing specific benefits to payors, may produce incidental benefits to <br />non-paying businesses, the incidental benefit does not preclude the services from being considered a <br />specific benefit. The legislature has found that, "A specific benefit is not excluded from classification <br />as a `specific benefit merely because an indirect benefit to a nonpayor occurs incidentally and without <br />cost to the payor as a consequence of providing the specific benefit to the payor."' <br />'Jarvis v. the City of San Diego 72 Cal App. 4' 230 <br />z Cal. Const. art7GIII C § 1(e)(1) <br />'Government Code § 53758(a) <br />SATMD Management District Plan 8 <br />March 19, 2020 12A-17 <br />
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