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City Council (2004 - Present)
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9/10/2020 4:24:03 PM
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9/10/2020 4:21:05 PM
City Clerk
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regulations promulgated by the City. Gross room rental revenue shall not include any federal, state <br />or local taxes collected, including but not limited to transient occupancy taxes. <br />The assessment is levied upon and a direct obligation of the assessed lodging business. However, the <br />assessed lodging business may, at its discretion, pass the assessment on to transients. The amount of <br />assessment, if passed on to each transient, shall be disclosed in advance and separately stated from the <br />amount of rent charged and any other applicable taxes, and each transient shall receive a receipt for <br />payment from the business. If the SATMD assessment is identified separately it shall be disclosed as <br />the "Tourism Marketing Assessment" As an alternative, the disclosure may include the amount of <br />the SATMD assessment and the amount of the assessment imposed pursuant to the California <br />Tourism Marketing Act, Government Code §13995 et seq. and shall be disclosed as the "Tourism <br />Assessment" The assessment is imposed solely upon, and is the sole obligation of the assessed <br />lodging business even if it is passed on to transients. The assessment shall not be considered revenue <br />for any purpose, including calculation of transient occupancy taxes. <br />TSA shall not issue debt of any kind; and shall only fund expenses with recurring assessment revenue <br />collected or the reserve balance. <br />E. Penalties and Interest <br />The SATMD shall reimburse the City of Santa Ana for any costs associated with collecting unpaid <br />assessments. If sums in excess of the delinquent SATMD assessment are sought to be recovered in <br />the same collection action by the City, the SATMD shall bear its pro rata share of such collection <br />costs. Assessed businesses which are delinquent in paying the assessment shall be responsible for <br />paying: <br />1. Original De§nquency Penally: Any lodging business which fails to remit any assessment within <br />the time required shall pay a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the assessment in <br />addition to the amount of the assessment. <br />2. Continued Delinquency Compounding Penalty: Any lodging business which fails to remit any <br />delinquent remittance on or before a period of thirty (30) days following the date on which <br />the remittance first became delinquent shall pay an additional delinquency penalty of ten <br />percent (10%) of the amount of the assessment and the ten percent (10%) penalty first <br />imposed. Any lodging business which fails to remit any delinquent remittance on or before a <br />period of sixty (60) days following the date on which the remittance first became delinquent <br />shall pay an additional delinquency penalty of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the <br />assessment and the ten percent (10%) penalty first imposed together with the additional ten <br />percent (10%) penalty imposed. <br />3. Audit Deficiency Compounding Penalty: If, upon audit by the City, a lodging business is found to <br />be deficient in either its return or its remittance or both, the City shall immediately assess the <br />lodging business the amount of the net deficiency plus an audit deficiency penalty of ten <br />percent (10%) of the amount of the net deficiency. If said lodging business's remittance was <br />deficient for a period of greater than thirty (30) days following the date on which remittance <br />was first delinquent, said lodging business shall pay an additional audit deficiency penalty of <br />ten percent (10%) of the net deficiency and the ten percent (10%) penalty first imposed. If <br />said lodging business's remittance was deficient for a period of greater than sixty (60) days <br />following the date on which the remittance first became delinquent, said lodging business shall <br />pay an additional audit deficiency penalty of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the <br />assessment and the ten percent (10%) penalty first imposed together with the additional ten <br />percent (10%) penalty imposed <br />SATMD Management District Plan 10 <br />March 19, 2020 12A-19 <br />
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