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City Council (2004 - Present)
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Last modified
9/10/2020 4:24:03 PM
Creation date
9/10/2020 4:21:05 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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36626. Resolution establishing district <br />If the city council, following the public hearing, desires to establish the proposed property and business improvement <br />district, and the city council has not made changes pursuant to Section 36624, or has made changes that do not <br />substantially change the proposed assessment, the city council shall adopt a resolution establishing the district. The <br />resolution shall contain all of the information specified in Section 36625. <br />36627. Notice and assessment diagram <br />Following adoption of the resolution establishing district assessments on properties pursuant to Section 36625 or <br />Section 36626, the clerk shall record a notice and an assessment diagram pursuant to Section 3114. No other provision <br />of Division 4.5 (commencing with Section 3100) applies to an assessment district created pursuant to this part. <br />36628. Establishment of separate benefit zones within district; Categories of businesses <br />The city council may establish one or more separate benefit zones within the district based upon the degree of benefit <br />derived from the improvements or activities to be provided within the benefit zone and may impose a different <br />assessment within each benefit zone. If the assessment is to be levied on businesses, the city council may also define <br />categories of businesses based upon the degree of benefit that each will derive from the improvements or activities to <br />be provided within the district and may impose a different assessment or rate of assessment on each category of <br />business, or on each category of business within each zone. <br />36628.5. Assessments on businesses or property owners <br />The city council may levy assessments on businesses or on property owners, or a combination of the two, pursuant to <br />this part. The city council shall structure the assessments in whatever manner it determines corresponds with the <br />distribution of benefits from the proposed improvements, maintenance, and activities, provided that any property - <br />based assessment conforms with the requirements set forth in paragraph (2) of subdivision (k) of Section 36622. <br />36629. Provisions and procedures applicable to benefit zones and business categories <br />All provisions of this part applicable to the establishment, modification, or disestablishment of a property and business <br />improvement district apply to the establishment, modification, or disestablishment of benefit zones or categories of <br />business. The city council shall, to establish, modify, or disestablish a benefit zone or category of business, follow the <br />procedure to establish, modify, or disestablish a property and business improvement district. <br />36630. Expiration of district; Creation of new district <br />If a property and business improvement district expires due to the time limit set pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section <br />36622, a new management district plan may be created and the district may be renewed pursuant to this part. <br />CHAPTER 3. Assessments <br />36631. Time and manner of collection of assessments; Delinquent payments <br />The collection of the assessments levied pursuant to this part shall be made at the time and in the manner set forth by <br />the city council in the resolution levying the assessment. Assessments levied on real property may be collected at the <br />same time and in the same manner as for the ad valorem property tax, and may provide for the same lien priority and <br />penalties for delinquent payment. All delinquent payments for assessments levied pursuant to this part may be charged <br />interest and penalties. <br />36632. Assessments to be based on estimated benefit; Classification of real property and businesses; Exclusion <br />of residential and agricultural property <br />(a) The assessments levied on real property pursuant to this part shall be levied on the basis of the estimated <br />benefit to the real property within the property and business improvement district. The city council may <br />SATMD Management District Plan 20 <br />March 19, 2020 12A-29 <br />
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