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Exhibit 2 <br />APPENDIX I - SITE CONTROL/LAND TENURE REQUIREMENTS <br />The State recognizes that specific activities on the project property may change over time; <br />however, all uses on the property must remain compatible with the Youth Community Access <br />Grant Program, in accordance with the following requirements: <br />Capital Development Projects <br />Grantee shall maintain and operate the property developed pursuant to this grant for a period of: <br />At least 10 years for grants up to $300,000 <br />Grantee shall not use or allow the use of any portion of the real property for mitigation (i.e., to <br />compensate for adverse changes to the environment elsewhere). <br />Grantee shall not use or allow the use of any portion of the real property as security for any debt. <br />With the approval of the State, Grantee or Grantee's successor in interest in the property may <br />enter into an agreement with another party to maintain and operate the property in accordance <br />with this grant program. At a minimum, the agreement must do the following: <br />• Clearly spell out the roles of each party in detail. <br />• Be signed by both parties signifying their acceptance. <br />• Not terminate prior to the length of site control/land tenure required by the grant agreement <br />(only agreements that allow early termination for cause or by mutual consent will be <br />acceptable) <br />• Include language that Grantee will resume responsibility for ongoing operation and <br />maintenance in the event of cancellation <br />Grantee may be excused from its obligations for operation and maintenance of the project site <br />only upon the written approval of the State for good cause. Good cause includes, but is not <br />limited to, natural disasters that destroy the project improvements and render the project <br />obsolete or impracticable to rebuild. <br />Capital Vehicle Acquisition Projects <br />Grantee shall maintain and operate the vehicle acquired pursuant to this grant for a period of <br />at least eight years. <br />Grantee may be excused from its obligations for operation and maintenance of the vehicle only <br />upon the written approval of the State for good cause. Good cause includes, but is not limited <br />to, natural disasters that damage the vehicle and render the use obsolete. <br />5913-43 <br />