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Exhibit 2 <br />For projects where the required sign may be out of place or affected by local sign ordinance, the <br />State may authorize a sign that is more appropriate to the project. <br />Signs on State Highways <br />Signs placed within the state highway right-of-way may require a Caltrans encroachment permit. <br />Contact your local Caltrans District Office early in the planning process for more information. <br />For District Office locations, see <br />State Approval <br />Grantee shall submit the proposed number, location(s), size, and language of sign for review <br />prior to ordering signs. Final funds for projects will not be reimbursed until signage has been <br />approved and installed. <br />Program Recognition <br />The Grantee shall use the Youth Community Access Grant Program logo on any project <br />announcements, social media, website, marketing materials, and news releases. <br />59'B-46 <br />