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Scope of Services <br />A. Data Collection: AZTEC will contact the utility <br />owners within the boundaries of the assigned <br />project. This contact will be to request and collect <br />the available utility maps, plans, and as -built records <br />for the areas indicated. The information will be <br />collated and referenced for use in designating all <br />requested facilities in the project area. <br />B. Designating: AZTEC will designate all known <br />utilities in the area required by the designer to <br />the ASCE 38-02 Quality Level B where possible. <br />This will be accomplished using various electronic <br />locating equipment and the plans provided by the <br />facility owners. These utilities will be marked using <br />the color coding for the national 811 One Call <br />system standards and further marked to indicate <br />that these marks are for design purposes only with <br />a pink dot at either end of each mark and a white <br />slash in the center to ensure that the marks are not <br />confused with an 811 response. <br />C. Survey (Designating): Our team will provide <br />survey to pick up the utility locations using GPS <br />survey equipment and expressed to match the <br />client's project survey datum. <br />D. Mapping: The surveyed information gathered will <br />be provided in the form of a computer aided drafting <br />reference file using a format the City specifies. <br />The utility reference file will include an ownership <br />table, labels to indicate size, type and ownership of <br />each utility line, labels to indicate the ASCE 38-02 <br />Quality Level of any line not located to Level B, and <br />a table indicating the source of quality level C or D <br />information. <br />E. Potholing: Our team will pothole all facilities <br />determined by the design team to be in potential <br />conflict with the project design. This excavation <br />will be performed using a non-destructive method <br />consisting of high-pressure air or water and vacuum <br />extraction of spoils. Each hole will be restored using <br />the appropriate standard materials and techniques <br />as required by the permit grantee for the project. <br />F. Survey (Potholing): Our team will provide survey <br />to pick up the northing, easting, and elevation of <br />each pothole location using the City's project survey <br />datum. All this information will be signed and sealed <br />by a Professional Land Surveyor. <br />G. Reporting: The information gathered will be <br />provided in the form of individual test hole reports <br />accompanied by a summary of the data for the <br />entire project. Each report will include an area map <br />of the location of the holes, the size, type, and <br />ownership of the facility and the holes coordinates <br />and elevation at the surface, top and bottom of the <br />facility. <br />Project Schedule Utility Designating <br />(ASCE Quality Levels 8, C, and D) <br />AZTEC's designating team will begin all assigned <br />tasks upon of receiving the notice to proceed. It <br />is understood that being engaged in a job order <br />contract assignments are expected to be smaller, <br />have more demanding timelines and be under <br />a certain budget level. Compressed schedules <br />are always a challenge. AZTEC has a long and <br />particularly good track record of meeting tough <br />deadlines and the particular challenges each <br />task order may present. The key to success <br />is a systematic approach, not contributing to <br />unnecessary delays and prompt action. <br />The process for utility designating is dependent <br />upon the cooperation of the facility owners. It is <br />our approach to follow each company's mapping <br />request procedure and after a reasonable time <br />follow up to avoid delays. It is important to stay <br />in contact with the utility companies as they have <br />their own procedures and timelines. <br />The time required for field work, survey and <br />CADD to take us to final product is entirely <br />dependent upon the size of the project and the <br />number of utilities in the area. AZTEC's response <br />time to each utility designating assignment is <br />described below and illustrated in Figure 4: <br />Typical Designating Assignment Flow Chart on the <br />following page. <br />Project Schedule Utility Potholing <br />(ASCE 38-02 Quality Level A) <br />AZTEC's experienced technical team has the ability <br />to begin all assigned tasks within two working <br />days of receiving the notice to proceed. AZTEC's <br />response time to each assignment is described <br />below and illustrated in Figure 5: Typical Potholing <br />Assignment Flow Chart on the following page. <br />Understanding that every assigned task is <br />different, AZTEC will respond quickly to provide the <br />information our client's need. We pride ourselves on <br />enabling critical schedules to proceed without delay. <br />