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EXHIBIT 1 <br />DAVID L. ELLIOTT <br />Relationship Builder and Connector of People <br />Core Life Purpose: "Make a difference by serving God in building <br />relationships, connecting people and being an influence" <br />"Engaging, Aligning and Connecting baby boomer <br />professionals in their 3`d quarter quest in making a <br />difference by changing lives" <br />BE a CATALYST <br />Mantra: "Anything I can do?" "Just do Good" <br />We are only successful and significant by the people we <br />surround ourselves with. <br />Professional Qualities: Non Profit and For Profit Businesses/Organizations <br />Leadership, visionary, people and team -oriented, energetic <br />and goal driven. Skills in: business development, <br />sales/marketing, public/community relations and fund <br />development. <br />Education: Master of Arts <br />Azusa Pacific University <br />Graduate work in Educational Administration <br />Biola University <br />Bachelor of Science in Education <br />University of Arizona <br />Certificate in Fundraising Management, <br />The Fundraising School, Indiana University <br />Professional Affiliations: Board member of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce <br />Board member of the Hispanic Chamber of Cormmerce <br />Board member of the Orange County YMCA Association <br />13A-3 <br />