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Receive and file Cannabis Public Benefit Fund for Youth Services <br />September 15, 2020 <br />Page 4 <br />7. Digital Collection for Teens <br />Expand the Library's digital collection with a focus on providing materials for teens. <br />Completed: <br />Overdrive a -book and e-audiobook collection available on the website. <br />In Progress: <br />• Amend Overdrive contract to allow for more electronically downloadable titles with <br />content that is specifically geared toward youth. <br />• Order initial round of electronic books. <br />Timeline: <br />Anticipated deployment January 1, 2021. <br />Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency <br />1. Santa Ana Community Connections: The Zoo & You <br />Provide a series of programs and experiences for Santa Ana youth of all ages (toddler <br />through high school) to build direct connections between the diverse community and the <br />Zoo. Include a variety of experiential learning opportunities with multiple entry points for <br />nature exploration, discovery, and STEAM skills and leadership development for future <br />environmental stewards. Offer programs fulfilled through dedicated resources including an <br />outreach vehicle, outdoor amphitheater sound system, and connected "smart" board for the <br />zoo classroom. <br />Completed: <br />• Prepared a detailed 28-page program guide outlining the specific staffing needs, <br />supplies, timeline, and goals of this programmatic series. <br />• Provided free weekly virtual live education programs to SAUSD elementary students <br />during the COVID-19 shutdown. <br />• Provided regularly scheduled youth virtual nature lab programs for Santa Ana <br />residents. Over 300 youth signed up for the first program in July 2020. <br />In Progress: <br />• Hire two full—time Zoo Education Specialist staff positions and additional part-time <br />Program Coordinators to accommodate the program. <br />• Create specifications for the new outreach vehicle and procure. <br />• Procure smart board, amphitheater sound system, and equipment. <br />• Expand virtual programming. <br />Timeline: <br />Anticipated deployment of in person programing once COVID-19 restrictions are <br />lifted. <br />19 D-4 <br />