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Exhibit J <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE (SHERIFF) AND THE <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA TO DISTRIBUTE THE 2019 EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL FUND —JUSTICE <br />ASSISTANCE GRANT "JAG' <br />AWARD #2019-DJ-BX-0899 AWARD DATE 9/18/2019 ACCEPTANCE DATE: 7/14/2020 <br />I. Participants <br />Participants hereto acknowledge the County of Orange as lead fiscal agent in charge of <br />programmatic oversight and administration of funds and compliance over all eligible <br />participant law enforcement agencies, hereinafter referred to individually as "Party" and <br />jointly as "the Parties." <br />IL Purpose <br />The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to support of the objectives of <br />the Office of Justice Programs, expressly those identified as Priority Purpose Areas (PPAs) for <br />the term of this award. <br />Ill. Program Overview and Description of Project(s) <br />The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG) allows states and units <br />of local government, including tribes, to support a broad range of criminal justice related <br />activities based on their own state and local needs and conditions. Equipment purchases or <br />funded initiatives such as overtime, task forces, drug programs, information sharing, etc. will <br />be aimed at reducing crime and/or enhancing public/officer safety. <br />JAG funds can be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training, personnel, <br />equipment, supplies, contractual support, and information systems for criminal justice, <br />including for any one or more of the following purpose areas: 1) law enforcement programs; <br />2) prosecution and court programs; 3) prevention and education programs; 4) corrections and <br />community corrections programs; 5) drug treatment and enforcement programs; 6) planning, <br />evaluation, and technology improvement programs; 7) crime victim and witness programs <br />(other than compensation); and 8) mental health programs and related law enforcement and <br />corrections programs, including behavioral programs and crisis intervention teams. The <br />County of Orange (Sheriff) will determine validity of each project included in the application <br />r1- <br />