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ORI CA03019 - Award 202OULW X0021 -Award Terms and Conditions 2020 -CHP - Page 1 of 16 <br />U.S. Department of Justice <br />Office of Community Oriented Policing Services <br />2020 COPS Hiring Program <br />Award Terms and Conditions <br />By signing the Award Document to accept this COPS Hiring Program award, your agency agrees to abide by the <br />following award terms and conditions: <br />1. Award Owner's Manual <br />The recipient agrees to comply with the terms and conditions in the applicable 2020 COPS Office Program Award <br />Owner's Manual; COPS Office statute (34 U.S.C. § 10381, et seq.) ; the requirements of 2 C.F.R. Part 200 (Uniform <br />Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards) as adopted by the U. S. <br />Department of Justice in 2 C.F.R. § 2800.101; 48 C.F.R. Part 31 (FAR Part 31) as applicable (Contract Cost Principles <br />and Procedures); the Cooperative Agreement as applicable; representations made in the application; and all other <br />applicable program requirements, laws, orders, regulations, or circulars. <br />2. Assurances and Certifications <br />The recipient acknowledges its agreement to comply with the Assurances and Certifications forms that were signed <br />as part of its application. <br />3. Allowable Costs <br />The funding under this project is for the payment of approved full-time entry-level salaries and fringe benefits over <br />duee years (for a total of 36 months of funding) up to a maximum federal share of $125,000 per officer position for <br />career law enforcement officer positions hired and/or rehired on or after the official award start date. Any salary and <br />fringe benefit costs higher than entry-level that your agency pays a CHP-funded officer must be paid with local <br />funds. <br />Your agency is required to use CHP award funds for the specific hiring categories awarded. Funding under this <br />program may be used for the following categories: <br />• Hiring new officers, which includes filling existing officer vacancies that are no longer funded in your <br />agency's budget; <br />• Rehiring officers laid off by any jurisdiction as a result of state, local, or Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) <br />budget reductions; and/or <br />• Rehiring officers who were, at the time of award application, scheduled to be laid off (by your jurisdiction) on <br />a specific future date as a result of state, local, or BIA budget reductions <br />If your agency's local fiscal conditions have changed and your agency needs to change one or more of the funded <br />hiring categories, your agency should request an award modification and receive prior approval before spending CHP <br />funding under the new category. <br />The Financial Clearance Memorandum (FCM), included in your award package, specifies the amount of CHP funds <br />awarded to your agency. You should carefully review your FCM, which contains the final officer salary and fringe <br />benefit categories and amounts for which your agency was approved. Please note that the salary and fringe benefit <br />costs requested in your CHP application may have been adjusted or removed. Your agency may only be reimbursed <br />ADVANCING PUBLIC SAFETY THROUGH COMMUNITY POLICING <br />