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ORI CA03019 - Award 202OULW X0021 - Award Terms and Conditions 2020 - CHP - Page 11 of 16 <br />19. Enhancement of Contractor Protection from Reprisal for Disclosure of Certain Information <br />The recipient agrees not to discharge, demote, or otherwise discriminate against an employee as reprisal for the <br />employee disclosing information that he or she reasonably believes is evidence of gross mismanagement of a federal <br />contract or award, a gross waste of federal funds, an abuse of authority relating to a federal contract or award, a <br />substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a Federal <br />contract (including the competition for or negotiation of a contract) or award. The recipient also agrees to provide to <br />their employees in writing (in the predominant native language of the workforce) of the rights and remedies provided <br />in 41 U. S.C. § 4712. Please see appendices in the Award Owner's Manual for a full text of the statute. <br />20. Mandatory Disclosure <br />Recipients and subrecipients must timely disclose in writing to the Federal awarding agency or pass -through entity, <br />as applicable, all federal criminal law violations involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity that may potentially affect the <br />awarded federal funding. Recipients that receive an award over $500,000 must also report certain civil, criminal, or <br />administrative proceedings in SAM and are required to comply with the Term and Condition for Recipient Integrity <br />and Performance Matters as set out in 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Appendix XII to Part 200. Failure to make required disclosures <br />can result in any of the remedies, including suspension and debarment, described in 2 C.F.R. § 200.338. <br />21. Conflict of Interest <br />Recipients and subrecipients must disclose in writing to the COPS Office or pass -through entity, as applicable, any <br />potential conflict of interest affecting the awarded federal funding in accordance with 2 C.F.R. § 200.112. <br />22. Contract Provision <br />All contracts made by the award recipients under the federal award must contain the provisions required under 2 <br />C.F.R. Part 200, (Appendix II to Part 200 Contract Provisions for Non -Federal Entity Contracts Under Federal <br />Awards). Please see appendices in the Award Owner's Manual for a full text of the contract provisions. <br />23. Restrictions on Internal Confidentiality Aereements <br />No recipient or subrecipient under this award, or entity that receives a contract or subcontract with any funds under <br />this award, may require any employee or contractor to sign an internal confidentiality agreement or statement that <br />prohibits or otherwise restricts the lawful reporting of waste, fraud, or abuse to an investigative or law enforcement <br />representative of a federal department or agency authorized to receive such information. Consolidated <br />Appropriations Act, 2020, Public Law 116-93, Division C, Title VII, Section 742. <br />24. Recipient Inte-rity and Performance Matters <br />For awards over $500,000, the recipient agrees to comply with the following requirements of 2 C.F.R. Part 200, <br />Appendix XII to Part 200 — Award Term and Condition for Recipient Integrity and Performance Matters: <br />A. Reporting of Matters Related to Recipient Integrity and Performance <br />General Reporting Requirement <br />If the total value of your currently active awards, cooperative agreements, and <br />procurement contracts from all Federal awarding agencies exceeds $10,000,000 for any <br />period of time during the period of performance of this Federal award, then you as the <br />recipient during that period of time must maintain the currency of information reported <br />ADVANCING PUBLIC SAFETY THROUGH COMMUNITY POLICING <br />17 <br />