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NS-2995 - Rezoing Properties Located at 2300, 2310, and 2320 South Redhill Avenue....
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2020 (NS-2979 - NS-3000)
NS-2995 - Rezoing Properties Located at 2300, 2310, and 2320 South Redhill Avenue....
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/28/2020 11:12:54 AM
Creation date
9/28/2020 10:43:29 AM
City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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SECTION 5 — PUBLIC REALM AND LANDSCAPE DESIGN STANDARDS <br />A detailed and comprehensive Public Realm and Landscape Plan shall be submitted to <br />the Planning and Building Agency Executive Director or his/her designee for review and <br />approval prior to the issuance of building permits. <br />The plan shall comply with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO) <br />Chapter 41, Article XVI of the SAMC. The plan shall include an irrigation system layout <br />with the location of controllers and points of connection with data on valve sizes and <br />gallons per minute (G.P.M.), the size and location of sleeves and all spray heads, <br />including the location of conventional systems and drip systems; an irrigation legend <br />with complete specifications; irrigation notes and construction details of all assemblies <br />and components; a recommended irrigation schedule, preferably on an annual basis; <br />and a summary block on the initial page of submitted plans that will present the above <br />information clearly and accurately. <br />The plan shall include a Plant Legend containing: plant symbol, scientific name of plant <br />material, common name of plant material, plant container size, and plant spacing. Very <br />low, low and medium water usage plant materials are encouraged. <br />The plan shall include details of site furnishings. Site furnishing should be compatible in <br />style with the buildings and selected to bring comfort, scale and design expression to <br />the streetscape. These must also be highly durable and easy to maintain. Planters and <br />pots should be used to complement the project architecture and other site amenities; <br />avoiding obstructions to pedestrian traffic flow with planters and pots. All elements of <br />the furniture palette should be uniform. <br />Landscaping for the project shall be completed in phases by building and shall be <br />installed and inspected prior to occupancy of units within that building. The Owner shall <br />be responsible for maintaining all common area landscaping within the development. <br />SECTION 6 — SIGNAGE AND WAYFINDING <br />A comprehensive sign program shall be submitted for review and approval by the <br />Planning and Building Agency Executive Director or his or her designee prior to the <br />issuance of building permits. The sign program may include creative signage where the <br />contents and standards of the sign program are not consistent with the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code, provided the sign program complements the form and function of the <br />building and contributes to the aesthetics of the project. <br />- �- 9 <br />
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