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Allianz ili <br />Professional Services Exclusion <br />178794 04 13 <br />Policy Amendment - Umbrella Policy - Excess Liability Policy <br />The policy does not apply to any liability arising out of the rendering of or failure to render any "professional" <br />services. <br />This exclusion applies even if the claims against any Insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the <br />supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that Insured, if the offense which caused the <br />damages involved the rendering of or failure to render any professional service. <br />As used in this endorsement, a "professional" service is one arising out of a vocation, calling, occupation, or <br />employment involving specialized knowledge, labor, or skill. It also means relating to or characteristic of a learned <br />profession that often requires special licensing by an agency or society with such authority. <br />All other terms and conditions of the policy remain unchanged <br />1787940413 <br />Copyright C 2013 Allianz Global Risks US Insurance Company. All rights resented. <br />FJukMaruga=dDMslon <br />Rtvlevm & ARRRciv® By., <br />�,���� <br />RBk Managernent Analyst <br />