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03-30-20 Special Meeting
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O NE B RO A D WA Y P LA Z A P RO J E CT E I R A D DE N DU M CI T Y O F S A NT A A NA <br />1. Introduction <br />March 2020 Page 3 <br />e) A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent EIR pursuant to Section <br />15162 should be included in an addendum to an EIR, the lead agen cy's findings on the <br />project, or elsewhere in the record. The explanation must be supported by substantial <br />evidence. <br />After careful consideration of the potential environmental impacts of the Proposed Project, the City of Santa <br />Ana has determined that 1) none of the conditions requiring preparation of a subsequent or supplement to an <br />EIR have occurred, and 2) the circumstances described in Section 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines exist. <br />Therefore, an Addendum to the One Broadway Plaza EIR has been deemed appropriate. <br />1.1.2 Scope of Analysis in This Addendum <br />Changes to the One Broadway Plaza EIR (“Certified EIR”) and regulatory conditions, described below under <br />the Project Description would fulfill none of the conditions outlined in CEQA Guideli nes Sections <br />15162(a)(1)–(3) as these changes would not result in new significant environmental effects or a substantial <br />increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects requiring major revisions to the 2004 Certified <br />EIR. Accordingly, this checklist provides the substantial evidence required by CEQA Guidelines Section <br />15164(e) to support the finding that a subsequent EIR is not required and a n addendum to the 2004 Certified <br />EIR is the appropriate environmental document to address chang es to the project. <br />In order to implement the Proposed Project, a number of discretionary approvals from the City of Santa Ana <br />are required, including a General Plan Amendment and a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to the One Broadway <br />Plaza Specific Development District (SD 75). As lead agency under CEQA, the City of Santa Ana is required <br />to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with these discretionary approval s. The scope of the review <br />for project-related impacts for this Addendum is limited to differences between impacts analyzed by the <br />Certified EIR for implementation of the One Broadway Plaza Project (Approved Project) and the Proposed <br />Project. The Approved Project will serve as the “baseline” for the environmental impact analysis. The baseline <br />includes all applicable mitigation measures from the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />(MMRP), approved in conjunction with the Certified EIR. As required by CEQA, this Addendum also <br />addresses changes in circumstances or new information that would potentially involve new environmental <br />impacts. <br />1.2 CONTENT AND ORGANIZATION OF THIS ADDENDUM <br />This Addendum relies on the City of Santa Ana’s CEQA checklist, which addresses environmental issues <br />section by section. T he completed checklist is included in Section 5.0, Environmental Analysis. Each <br />environmental topic has the following subheadings: <br />▪ Summary of Previous Environmental Analysis (including the One Broadway Plaza EIR, and previous <br />CEQA documentation; see description under Subsection 3.1, Project Background, of this Addendum) <br />▪ Impacts Associated with the Proposed Project (including environmental checklist) <br />▪ Adopted Mitigation Measures Applicable to the Proposed Project <br />5 - 57
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