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<br />March 2020 Page 5 <br />2. Environmental Setting <br />2.1 PROJECT LOCATION <br />2.1.1 One Broadway Plaza Specific Development District (SD 75) <br />The One Broadway Plaza Specific Development District (SD 75) is located in the central portion of the City <br />of Santa Ana in Orange County, California. The District is approximately 0.5 miles southwest from the I-5 <br />Freeway and approximately 10 miles northeast from the Pacific Ocean, as shown in Figure 1, Regional Location <br />Map. The District is generally bound by Washington Avenue to the north, Sycamore Street to the east, 10th <br />Street to the south, and N. Broadway to the west. The Project Site is currently developed with seven existing <br />structures, six of which are designated as historic. One parcel on this block is not a part of the One Broadway <br />Plaza Specific Development District and is located along N. Broadway and is zoned Midtown Specific Plan (SP <br />3). <br />The One Broadway Plaza Specific Development District zoning allows for certain types of office uses, service <br />and commercial retail, cafés and restaurants, florists, pharmacies, d ay care facilities, museums, libraries and <br />galleries, and artists’ studios along with other uses with the approval of a conditional use permit. The objectives <br />of the One Broadway Plaza Specific Development District is to create a landmark office project al ong <br />Broadway, maintain the existing streetscape, maintain the scale and character established by the existing historic <br />structures along the north end of the district, maintain large open setbacks adjacent to Broadway, encourage <br />revitalization of existing p roperties; and enhance the pedestrian experience. <br />2.1.2 Midtown Specific Plan (SP 3) <br />The Midtown Specific Plan area is roughly bound by 17th Street to the north, Civic Center Drive to the south, <br />mid-block between Bush Street and Spurgeon Street to the east, and midblock between Broadway and Durant <br />Street to the west. One parcel on the Project Site is zoned Midtown Specific Plan. The vision for the Midtown <br />Specific Plan is a “thriving and integrated district of civic, business, cultural, and retail activity with a small <br />residential component.” <br />2.1.3 Project Site <br />The Project Site is located within one city block on Broadway Street between 10th Street and Washington <br />Avenue, as shown on Figure 2, Project Location. The Project Site is comprised of three parcels with Assessor <br />Parcel Numbers (APNs): 398-561-18 (1211 N. Broadway); 398-561-02 (1205 N. Broadway); and 398-561-03 <br />(1205 N Broadway) (Orange County 2019). The Project Site is approximately 0.5 miles west of the I-5 Freeway <br />and approximately 0.7 miles from the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center. The Project Site is <br />approximately 4.32 acres. No changes to the Project Site boundaries are contemplated as part of the Proposed <br />5 - 59