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Ms. Rebecca Davis <br />May 5, 2020 <br />Page 7 <br /> <br /> <br />Transportation Centers. Project manager for Daly City Intermodal Study which developed a $7 million surface <br />bus terminal, traffic access, parking and pedestrian circulation improvements at the Daly City BART station plus <br />development of functional plans for a new BART station at Colma. Project manager for design of multi-modal <br />terminal (commuter rail, light rail, bus) at Mission Bay, San Francisco. In Santa Clarita Long Range Transit <br />Development Program, responsible for plan to relocate system's existing timed-transfer hub and development of <br />three satellite transfer hubs. Performed airport ground transportation system evaluations for San Francisco <br />International, Oakland International, Sea-Tac International, Oakland International, Los Angeles International, and <br />San Diego Lindberg. <br />Campus Transportation. Campus transportation planning assignments for UC Davis, UC Berkeley, UC Santa <br />Cruz and UC San Francisco Medical Center campuses; San Francisco State University; University of San Francisco; <br />and the University of Alaska and others. Also developed master plans for institutional campuses including medical <br />centers, headquarters complexes and research & development facilities. <br />Special Event Facilities. Evaluations and design studies for football/baseball stadiums, indoor sports arenas, horse <br />and motor racing facilities, theme parks, fairgrounds and convention centers, ski complexes and destination resorts <br />throughout western United States. <br />Parking. Parking programs and facilities for large area plans and individual sites including downtowns, special <br />event facilities, university and institutional campuses and other large site developments; numerous parking <br />feasibility and operations studies for parking structures and surface facilities; also, resident preferential parking . <br />Transportation System Management & Traffic Restraint. Project manager on FHWA program to develop <br />techniques and guidelines for neighborhood street traffic limitation. Project manager for Berkeley, (Calif.), <br />Neighborhood Traffic Study, pioneered application of traffic restraint techniques in the U.S. Developed residential <br />traffic plans for Menlo Park, Santa Monica, Santa Cruz, Mill Valley, Oakland, Palo Alto, Piedmont, San Mateo <br />County, Pasadena, Santa Ana and others. Participated in development of photo/radar speed enforcement device and <br />experimented with speed humps. Co-author of Institute of Transportation Engineers reference publication on <br />neighborhood traffic control. <br />Bicycle Facilities. Project manager to develop an FHWA manual for bicycle facility design and planning, on <br />bikeway plans for Del Mar, (Calif.), the UC Davis and the City of Davis. Consultant to bikeway plans for Eugene, <br />Oregon, Washington, D.C., Buffalo, New York, and Skokie, Illinois. Consultant to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for <br />development of hydraulically efficient, bicycle safe drainage inlets. Consultant on FHWA research on effective <br />retrofits of undercrossing and overcrossing structures for bicyclists, pedestrians, and handicapped. <br />MEMBERSHIPS <br />Institute of Transportation Engineers Transportation Research Board <br />PUBLICATIONS AND AWARDS <br />Residential Street Design and Traffic Control, with W. Homburger et al. Prentice Hall, 1989. <br />Co-recipient, Progressive Architecture Citation, Mission Bay Master Plan, with I.M. Pei WRT Associated, 1984. <br />Residential Traffic Management, State of the Art Report, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1979. <br />Improving The Residential Street Environment, with Donald Appleyard et al., U.S. Department of Transportation, <br />1979. <br />Strategic Concepts in Residential Neighborhood Traffic Control, International Symposium on Traffic Control <br />Systems, Berkeley, California, 1979. <br />Planning and Design of Bicycle Facilities: Pitfalls and New Directions, Transportation Research Board, Research <br />Record 570, 1976. <br />Co-recipient, Progressive Architecture Award, Livable Urban Streets, San Francisco Bay Area and London, with <br />Donald Appleyard, 1979.