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4 <br /> <br /> <br />if Project excavation is “a minimum of 5 feet below the bottom of building foundations” (FEIR, p. 2-8), <br />groundwater is likely to be encountered if found at depths as shallow as 5.67 feet as stated by the <br />SARWQCB in the table above. The FEIR needs to plan for protection of construction workers who may <br />encounter contaminated groundwater when excavation is conducted. The FEIR also needs to state how <br />the Project would comply with the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges to <br />Land with a Low Threat to Water Quality (Order No. 2003-0003-DWQ) or the De Minimis Waste <br />Discharge Requirements for the Santa Ana Region (Order No. R82015-0004, NPDES No. CAG998001). <br />SWAPE has received limited documentation regarding this project. Additional information may become <br />available in the future; thus, we retain the right to revise or amend this report when additional <br />information becomes available. Our professional services have been performed using that degree of <br />care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable environmental consultants <br />practicing in this or similar localities at the time of service. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is <br />made as to the scope of work, work methodologies and protocols, site conditions, analytical testing <br />results, and findings presented. This report reflects efforts which were limited to information reasonably <br />accessible at the time of the work, and may contain informational gaps, inconsistencies, or otherwise be <br />incomplete due to the unavailability or uncertainty of information obtained or provided by third parties. <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />Matt Hagemann, P.G., C.Hg. <br />