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Authorize Negotiation and Execution of Final MPAH Amendment MOU <br />November 17, 2020 <br />Page 2 <br />To date, these plans have yielded about $50 million in improvements to Santa Ana which have <br />been delivered or are underway, and there are more funds the City will qualify for. However, to <br />continue implementing some of these projects, the City is required to reclassify some streets in <br />Santa Ana, and such classifications must match the OCTA Master Plan of Arterial Highways <br />(MPAH) so that the City maintain M2 funding eligibility. The MPAH is the countywide roadway <br />network for regional mobility managed by OCTA, and cities must comply to qualify for M2 Funds. <br />Compliance will require amending OCTA's MPAH and execution of a memorandum of <br />understanding (MOU) between OCTA, and the Cities of Fountain Valley and Tustin (Exhibit 1). The <br />MOU agreement will be based on the terms and conditions shown on Exhibit 1. All parties have <br />agreed to these terms and conditions. The Cities of Fountain Valley and Tustin are parties to the <br />MOU since there are traffic impacts that require future mitigations within their jurisdictions. <br />As a follow up, one of the MOU conditions will be to revise the Mobility Element and adopt the <br />General Plan Update so there is consistency between the MPAH and city's Circulation Element in <br />the General Plan. Adoption of the General Plan will be considered by the City Council in a separate <br />future City Council meeting. The recommended budget reallocation and adjustment is needed to <br />complete a transit study required in the MOU. <br />Staff recommends approving terms and conditions, and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate <br />and execute a final memorandum of understanding to ensure M2 funding eligibility is maintained. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />Approval of the appropriation adjustment and the requested reallocation of funds will make funding <br />for a transit study of $250,000 available in Fiscal Year 2020-21. The appropriation adjustment will <br />recognize funds of $157,961 in the New Transportation Systems Improvements Area F, Prior <br />Year Carry Forward revenue account (No. 03517002-50001) and appropriate the same amount in <br />the New Transportation Systems Improvements Area F, Improvements Other Than Building <br />expenditure account (No. 03517660-66220). The reallocation of $92,039 in unspent Fiscal Year <br />2020-21 Measure M2 Local Fairshare funds will be available to fully fund the total cost. <br />There are nine traffic operation improvements identified in the MOU for an approximate cost of <br />$3,645,000. Implementation of these improvements require the traffic congestion to degrade to a <br />certain threshold in the future. These locations will be monitored and if the threshold is met the <br />projects will be programmed and funded accordingly. Project funding in the future will include grant <br />funds and Transportation System Impact Area fees. Please note, it is possible that the threshold is <br />never triggered. <br />The following table summarizes the funds made available to complete the transit study: <br />20D-2 <br />