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Eric Jimenez <br />Secretary -Treasurer <br />and Principal Officer <br />GENERAL TRUCK DRIVERS, OFFICE, FOOD& WAREHOUSE UNION <br />140 S. Marks Way, Orange, CA 92868 <br />Phone:(714) 740-6200 Fax:(714) 978-0576 <br /> <br />John Green <br />November 16, 2020 President <br />Mayor and City Council, <br />I am writing as the Special Assistant to the Secretary Treasurer for Teamsters Local <br />952, representing 9,500 members in the region. On behalf of our members, we urge <br />you to approve the "3rd and Broadway" Project in Santa Ana. The Project will bring in <br />a building with 171 multi -family housing units, a 75-room hotel, mixed use retail <br />shopping with public parking. <br />The Developer, Mr. Mike Harrah for, Caribou Industries has committed, in writing to <br />the Building Trades Council, to complete the negotiations of the Agreement. The <br />Building Trades Council are in talks with the Developer for a Project Labor Agreement <br />that can provide the project with skilled and trained workers, strong safety standards, <br />apprenticeship opportunities for Santa Ana and other Orange County resident and <br />support for the Veterans through the Helmets to Hardhats program. <br />The project will create hundreds of high wage -high skilled construction jobs and these <br />jobs have a significant multiplier effect on other jobs. Quality Union jobs that are <br />needed to revitalize our local economy during the recession caused by the pandemic. <br />It will also provide the needed revenue for the municipal services to the public. <br />The project, once completed, will fit in with the current structures in that area with <br />the mixed -use modern format. Just steps away from the Orange Streetcar line <br />enabling residents and the local community to take public transportation, therefore <br />alleviating traffic and making it environmentally friendly. <br />Thank you for your service to the great City of Santa Ana and your attention to this <br />important matter. Again, we urge you to please approve this wonderful Project. <br />Sincerely, <br />Special Assistant to the Secretary <br />Affiliated with the tntemationat Brotherhood of Teamsters <br />