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COVID-19, and as a result have been unable to maintain their rent payments under their lease <br />agreements, and meet all requirements detailed in this Agreement ("Impacted Tenants"), are eligible <br />for rent assistance pursuant to said Program, as detailed on the Impacted Tenants List attached hereto <br />as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. <br />C. Grant Funds. Pursuant to this Agreement, the City will pay Landlord a total amount <br />not to exceed $2,080.00 ("Grant Funds"), for rental relief assistance for the Landlord's Impacted <br />Tenants, as detailed in Exhibit A. <br />The Grant Funds will be disbursed directly to Landlord in a one-time <br />electronic payment from the City after the Landlord provides the City with <br />required W-9 and banking information to receive the disbursement of Grant <br />Funds. <br />2. Landlord acknowledges that the source of funding for said Program is the <br />federal CARES Act, considers the Grant Funds to be a necessary expense <br />incurred due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, and that the Grant <br />Funds meet the other requirements for the use of fund payments under section <br />601(d) of the Social Security Act, as outlined in the CARES Act. <br />3. The Grant Funds must be applied to the past due rent amounts of the Impacted <br />Tenants, and no other use of said Grant Funds is allowed. <br />4. The Grant Funds utilized for said Program have been appropriated to the City <br />pursuant to the CARES Act, and any use of the Grant Funds by the Landlord <br />are subject to the rules and regulations of the CARES Act. Additionally, all <br />Grant Funds will be subject to the availability of CARES Act funding. <br />Accordingly, The City reserves the right to reduce the amount of Grant Funds <br />to Landlord, or to completely terminate this Agreement, in the City's sole <br />discretion, if there is a reduction in CARES Act Funds provided to the City. <br />5. Once the Grant Funds are paid by the City and received by the Landlord, the <br />Landlord shall provide a letter to each Impacted Tenant, with a copy to the <br />City, informing the Impacted Tenant that their rent owed since April 1, 2020, <br />has been paid by said Program. Additionally, all backup documentation will <br />be sent by the Landlord to the City to verify that the rent arrears has been paid <br />for the Impacted Tenants. <br />D. Grant Term. This Agreement shall take effect on the date first written above, and <br />continue as long as Landlord is required to comply with any applicable terms, obligations or <br />requirements of this Agreement. ("Grant Term"). <br />II. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS <br />A. Landlord Representations and Warranties. As a prerequisite for participating in said <br />Program, Landlord confirms that the following is true and correct: <br />2 <br />